Disclaimer: I’m not very knowledgeable about Linux. My desktop isn’t available, so I decided to add it to my Asus Chromebook Flip C302. I used Crouton to add xfce (Ubuntu? IDK). I followed the steps here: https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Installing_EVE_on_Linux until step: 5. The launcher can now be run via terminal command.
When I try that, I get this error:
error while loading shared libraries: libsmime3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I’d really like to get this to work to still play Eve Online. Thank you for your help!
Sorry to disappoint, but step 5 is just the point where it gets interesting. You’ve really only downloaded the files at this point.
I’ve looked up the specs of your Chromebook to be sure it isn’t just something with an Arm CPU and it’s indeed a 64-bit CPU by Intel with integrated graphics.
So your first step should be to identify the type of Linux OS you have. Enter lsb_release -a in a shell and see what it says. This will tell us what you’ve got and we can continue from there.
Have a read here Game launches with CCPs wine, not my own . The player also uses Ubuntu 16.04 and I would advise you to do just the same, meaning, don’t use the “Linux launcher” but get a recent version of WINE for your distribution (i.e. 3.4 or 3.5 - I haven’t tested 3.6 yet but it may also work) and then use the standard Windows installer for EVE as you would do when installing under Windows. Don’t forget to add the i386 architecture to your distro and to use the Windows XP mode of WINE and also pick the files for Xenial (not Buster). This will keep you busy for a while, but hopefully you’ll end up with a running game.
PS: I don’t think you’ll need an LSB module and you can ignore the message for now.