When i try to install the launcher i get the following error: installation has failed.
Can anyone help me to get it working?
When i try to install the launcher i get the following error: installation has failed.
Can anyone help me to get it working?
Careful posting stuff like this into the forum, if your full name was your username that would be a self-dox.
2024-09-22 20:08:02> Program: About to install to: C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Local\Discord
Are you sure this is the right log? It looks like you are installing discord, not EVE.
I had to put this bit into google translate. It seems to be having a problem opening the file path " C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programma" with an ‘access denied’ error. If your system language is dutch, it may be trying to install to an assume location, rather than the standard english location of
C:\Users%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
Does “C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programma” exist?
It is the log that opens after i click open setup log.
I also wondered why discord was in there.
Yeah, the eve setup should not be doing that, though its possible they are both using the same ‘self updater’ for their launcher. I would try redownloading the installer from https://launcher.ccpgames.com/eve-online/release/win32/x64/eve-online-latest+Setup.exe and trying it again.
If you have steam, you can use that to download EVE, you just have to log in with your account details rather than let the automatic steam account entry.
I get the same message.
Furthermore i dont see the path “C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programma”
I would try and cheese past the error by creating the folder.
If you put this in a command prompt
mkdir /p “C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programma”
I found the folder, but instead of Start Menu the folder name is Menu Start, could this be the issue?
Yeah, that will be it, the installer will try and navigate there and fail, but reports it as access denied for some dumb reason, instead of ‘does not exist’.
Out of curiosity, does the “Menu Start” folder have a Programs or Programma folder in it?
Yes, it has a programma’s folder in it, as it is Dutch.
Figured as much. Best guess is someone coded the installer to assume a path with “Start Menu” rather than “Menu Start” in the path.
CCP has a very nasty habit of ignoring the CSIDL CSIDL (Shlobj.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn standards for where stuff should go. If they had referenced the target as CSIDL_STARTMENU it should ( and apologies if they do ) have worked no matter the path to your start location.
Every time I see EVE in the C:\ folder I know whoever wrote the installer just does not care worth a damn. At least the old launcher when run from steam put stuff in the steamapps location…
Trying to download it from Steam now.
Its possible the steam installer will do the same thing, but let me know.
Thank you for the assistance, much appreciated.
If I can help get you fixed up before CCP with no internal docs, code access or support, I’ll call it a win.
It works now, via Steam.
Thanks again for your help.