Manticore has got to be one of my favorite ship designs in entire game, and since I got my Lego stash reorganized I noticed I got many fitting pieces to build one (at least for my custom skin). I tried my best to model the angling and proportions accordingly and this is the result. I’m pretty happy with the results. It is even neatly organized into 5 chunks that can easily be built, assembled and disassembled on a whim.
It by any means isn’t a perfect build, but it is pretty stable, stiff and sizeable. It can even fit a bomb on its bottom. Torpedo shafts can’t open. Maybe I imrpove it in the future, and by that I mean in a software. I don’t have all the required, color pieces I envisioned it could fit.
My custom skin - Yūrei (msg for skinr lol)