Lego Models of Eve Spaceships

I thought I’d start a thread to let people share pictures, links and build instructions (if you have them) for Lego models of EVE spaceships.

There’s a lot of stuff out there, but here’s some links to get it started…

Aggressive Ships:
Astero (pictures only)
Astero, Magnate & Executioner (picture only)
Dragoon (picture, parts list and also instructions, for a small fee)
Hurricane (Lego product idea, concept renders only)
Hurricane (pictures only but well worth a look … M A S S I V E ! )
Megathron (Lego product idea, pictures only)
Merlin (Lego product idea, pictures only)
Merlin (mini version, concept render only)
Myrmidon (Lego product idea, pictures only)
Nemesis (picture only),
Raven (Lego product idea, pictures only)
Rifter (Lego product idea, pictures only)
Stratios/Astero (pictures only)
Talos (Lego product idea, concept renders only)
Various ships (Rifter, Merlin, Nemesis, Wyvern, Rattlesnake [?] and a Triglavian Ikitursa, pictures only)

Non-Aggressive Ships:
Bowhead (pictures only),
Bowhead & Exhumers (picture only),
Orca (picture, parts list and also instructions, for a small fee)
Orca (alternative skin, picture, parts list and also instructions, for a small fee)
Venture (with instructions for a fee),
Venture (mid size, free parts list, but no instructions)
Venture (mini size, picture only)

Lastly a couple of other links.

A ship inspired by EVE, the Zephyr (picture, parts list and also instructions, for a small fee)

A non-EVE mining ship, not as big as an Orca but bigger than an exhumer? The Mammoth (picture, parts list and also instructions, for a small fee - I know CCP will never go for it but I wish these existed in the game)



thanks for sharing my venture,dragoon in lego :slight_smile:

1 Like

They were really cool.



These are super cool!
I would like to order one Astero please :slight_smile:


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