Level 3 DED escalations sites

The reward from completing a level 3 ded is around 80M ISK (before salvaging wrecks), and most of these escalations are in high sec. high reward and low risk. Why would anyone want to venture in low/null sec when the dairy farm is at home and milk is plentiful. Although unlikely for this to change, imo it’s not helping the progression of the rookies, and it’s just catering to seasoned players


I’m 3 gates in and this is the loot
(There are cargo containers that contain good loot)

Where are you getting your numbers from?

that’s my point.

no you’re not a fan of risk vs rewards, like all seasoned players you enjoy easy ISK at NO RISK. level 3 ded should cap their loot at 15-20M ISK

you’re obviously doing it wrong - just saying

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Thanks heaps, I had returned back to the gate and looted the cargo container and thanks I now see the blue loot.

Of course I enjoy easy ISK. What’s your point?

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The high security DED sites are open to everyone. Even entitled low and null bears.

In the time you’ve spent whining here, you could have half a billion ISK in your wallet.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


From your response,the point is there’s no difference between Eve and Wack-A Mole, and the easy ISK is just to fuel a main account to pvp with. This may leads to players not getting in new content, as you point out

You don’t want to DS when you combat sites? Please don’t assume I’m picking on you, or anyone, I’m guilty of this as well as I’m getting into a battlecruiser to do a 3/10 ded - I don’t need to think, and I don’t need to venture beyond high sec to get my ISK to burn in null

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You should go and spend 3-4 hours doing high sec combat sites, getting your L3 DEDs, and then come back and report on your total ISK/hr.

Then compare that to any of a dozen other ISK/hr activities and see why L3 DEDs have never really been an ISK farming concern.

While “progression of rookies” is a valid concern within EVE, it’s not something you achieve by taking away moderate highsec activities. Unfortunately CCP (and many players) have never understood that “taking things away” is not the best path for improving the game.


57M ISK/hr this include the time spent finding the 3/10 DED escalation. Please note that it’s not anytime during the day, have a 3 hrs window as I’m doing this solo (alpha)

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

maybe I can show you how it’s done

I don’t know, fun?

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@Eulotte_en_Chalune Because RNGeesus has been smiling upon you (enjoy !). Next he will be laughing at you, as at the rest of us :rofl:


Let me know! Happy to split loot

Is the escalation new to HS?

I had only had them in Lowsec.

Yesterday At around the time you had created your thread, I had been just trying to shoot the 25 NPC to clear the daily when all of a sudden I had been given an opportunity to go to a system and the site as you said once cleared dropped great loot along with a nice faction ship blueprint.

HS feels so much cooler now after knowing of this possibility when cleaning sites.

I don’t split loot, but would charge you a fee to show you how to correctly get it done, in a tier 1 cruiser no less. because 3/10 ded can easily be solo in tier 1 destroyer, just takes longer, but I’m sure you knew that

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