LF Corp - null sec. not part of the donut

Returning player, looking for a new corp/alliance/group.

About me:

  • Experienced player, 150mil+ SP on main & lots of PVP experience (solo & fleets)
  • Multiple useful alts (tackle/bubbles/dreads)
  • Experienced FC
  • Self sufficient
  • Returning to the game so not up to speed with any changes in the last few years or the meta

Looking for a group that are trying to forge their own place in this game, and ideally own or aspire to own Sov space. Must not be aligned to one of the large coalitions. Newer groups are fine, provided there is strong leadership and good aspirations.

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hi there m8

welcome back

I would like to offer something a bit different if you dont mind.

Could you consider operating out off pochven and be part of an independent pvp group.

We do all kinds of pvp and we are more into small and midsize pvp.

For more information have a look at our latest recruitment video below


Hey Vebjorin,

Welcome back to EVE! Finding null-sec that isn’t tied to the massive coalitions is definitely a challenge these days, but at Black Layer Syndicate, we’ve managed to carve out our own space without getting caught up in the politics and endless CTAs.

We rent our null-sec space, which means we get all the benefits of a solid home, ISK-making, and PvP opportunities—without having to answer to the major power blocs. No CTAs, no mandatory ops—just good fights and a growing corp working toward something bigger.

What We Offer:

:fire: PvP Without the Drama

Small-Gang Roams & Black-Ops – No massive TiDi slugfests

No CTAs, No Politics – We fight for our own reasons, not someone else’s war

A Place to Make an Impact – With your FC experience, you could help shape our PvP direction

:moneybag: Solid ISK-Making & Infrastructure

Null-Sec Ratting & Exploration – Easy ISK to fund your PvP habits

Industry & Trade Support – If you ever want to put your alts to work

Freedom to Do What You Want – We’re not here to micromanage your playstyle

:dart: A Growing Group with Aspirations

We’re Not a Big Bloc & Never Will Be – No politics, no renting drama

Strong Leadership & Long-Term Goals – We’re building something, not just existing

New Players & Veterans Alike – You won’t be stuck flying with a corp that has no direction

We’re looking for experienced players who want to help shape a corp’s future rather than just join another cog in the machine. If you want real fights, a home you can help grow, and the freedom to fly without the null-sec overlords breathing down your neck, then let’s have a chat.

:telephone_receiver: Public Channel: TEAR5
:studio_microphone: Discord: Black Layer Syndicate

Come help us build something that actually matters.

Fly dangerous o7

Welcome back bud am looking for vets to join my corp we live in sov null so plenty of pew pew if your looking for it… RL comes first with us all your skill be most welcome as you have fc experience if you fancy a chat jump on our discord or Dm me in game

we’re with SLOW, we or another corp in the alliance might fit your needs

Hi there! First of all love to hear you’re an FC! We always need those, anyway below is a little bit about us.

We live in a C2 with 0.0 and C5 statics, best of both worlds for content. I kid you not that we have 24/7 pvp, fleets formed 2-3 times per day, sometimes more. We offer so, so, so much to our members, from 100% SRP, no activity requirements, ships on contracts in WH, help with logistics and even free items in corp hangars after trial. Basically take it from someone who’s been playing for years and years. We have banter, we’re very chill and fun group but the playstyle is what makes it fun. Having no blues in eve but having so much content. We do variety of pew pew from nano skirmishes, fleet fights, ESS baiting, black ops dropping, heavy wormhole brawls.

It’s a unique experience.

We’re a chill corp (family run with myself, my brother and father) and have a good core leadership that are together for years now. We started back in 2013 and spent most of the time in nullsec but we preferred to just have content on pladder any time of the day. We’re very chill and easygoing group and think you’d fit in. We have no activity requirements, relaxed but PVP every single day, feel free to verify it with our killboard. There’s so much I could describe but I heavily suggest you read our recruitment post for more information.

For more information check out our recruitment thread and hope to see you soon if you’re keen to “re-ignite” your spark to eve :slight_smile:

I could use your help. We are relatively new but growing in numbers, with aspirations of carving out our own area of space one day. Fiercely independent and in an independent alliance and coalition. Although our corp is mining and industry focused, there is PVP in our space all day every day. We have a budding combat wing that needs active FCs to drive small gang and fleet content. Come check us out: Militant Industrialists