There is one other negative aspect of this that has hardly been brought up yet, a casualty: social interaction. I’ve had many unexpected conversations with neutrals and even reds in local. In all the wormholes I’ve been in? Once. Especially newbro’s wandering into null will be left out by this change.
Not in probably a majority of systems with PVE going on that’s for sure. But that only matters for attackers of course and really nothing changes there. Im talking baiting roaming fleets in your space. Which of course you’d do in a ratting/mining system with no inhibitor.
Botters work by using local, overview and dscan. By eliminating local bots are more or less screwed while the silliness of free intel for players is also gone. Win win.
You ever heard of WHs and covert cynos?
Cyno jammed and gates bubbled… don’t care.
Oh. Another benefit. Force Recons will finally have a relevant unique hull bonus outside of wormholes.
Well with this crap I wont be resuming EVE with my 10 accounts for the year. good by EVE🙁
But by years means it’s not a priority change or a decent one have they done it because board? Ideas in hats and this one always got put back
Bye botter \o
“I feel much safer there than in HS”
Still doesnt see the problem?
@CCP_Falcon all null? even npc space? no plans on any comms structures for sov space?
if anything this will make player numbers drop because of how jarring the change is.
Might be sensible to do 3 hours on, 3 hours off initially. Give sleepy nullsec players time to get used to it.
Just putting that idea out there.
Cancelled my subscription, acc’t will revert to Alpha state on 9 August.
Unlike others, I am willing to give the new regime a chance as it would come at a marginal cost of $0. One cannot be disappointed if one expects the worst.
I suspect that CCP will start charging extra for what local chat provides for free. I can no longer presume good faith on account of the reputation of its Korean parent company.
Learn this rule for ever character / player there are 2 slots on that account
Almost every eveplayer has more then 1 account
Judging a player by in this matter means you have no clue of how mental eve are
players well go to great lengths to lie cheat steal break your things trick you and all around be the very best example of humanity at its worst
This is not conductive to fun play because it drives away your targets
this is not conductive to attracting a new playerbase
Look to the failure of wh space
Activating a module is how you should be opted in
ie gate in gate out your not in chat
Use a module any and your opted into chat
This is a cool idea because you can in properly scouted and book marked you can stealth in and set up your sneaky sneaky
Why live in WH space when all of the riches of null are right there and a LOT safer.
Wormhole space is niche cause random entrances and exits make everyday life a pain due to constant scanning. You can’t just wrongly assume that every single aspect of wormhole space is the problem. Especially when it’s absolutely not because of the lack of local chat. That’s a plus. It’s a boon to both indy and pvp for the owning party. Slightly agree with your module idea though. Should need a sov upgrade for it though.
badest idea ever, unsubscribe 3 accounts
Logging in on your alt to say your quitting a game you don’t pay for?
We want all activities in eve to be active
Except cloaky camping
I must say it is amusing watching all these whiney null carebears post about quitting, one minute they all ‘‘like pvp’’ and want null to be ‘‘more dangerous’’ next thing, null is not a safehouse anymore… tears start to flow.