Be interesting to see - I am happy to keep playing, but if it takes away fleets etc. - or makes it that too many people leave then, I will cancel my sup and place a request for a refund… there are many other things I can waste my spare omney on…
dont let the door hit you on the way out.
Neat - as a member of a very small null group, I’m looking forward to see how the changes impact the neighborhood. Keep up the good work.
If that is a part of an world event, i´m fine with it. Nice thing. If that is permanent i´m going to unsub 2-3 of my 5 accounts. No reason to play with more that 2 Accounts.
Are you serious? Bye EVE, being here for about 10 years, but that is absolutely madness…
that is trash.
pls hire some game devs who know the game.
nullsec is not a WH space.
very bad decision from my point of view
Maybe if people aren’t feeling too safe in null-sec, they could move to low-sec or high-sec. Really makes you think doesn’t it.
If wanted to play WH style i have a place to do that already. As of this moment I do not agree with this change. I will however give it a chance and see what happens and if it actually works “ok”. More to follow after implementation
The Marketprices for everything will explode, since noone will go ratting mining anymore in null… this fucks mostly the highsec… gj ccp
Two things. Calling it delayed local is very misleading. It should be called opt-in, or something similar. Second, cynos into wormholes when?
If I’d want a behaviour as in Nullsec, I’d move to Nullsec… Well, that’s my Subscriptions coming to an end.
Agreed, enough krabs as it is. bye!
Stop talking to yourself lol
@CCP_Falcon 17 accounts unsubscribed between my wife and I. Good job with this stuff killing your own game. Just watching the online count since this has started drop, and these are your paying players you won’t be getting back.
Guess this is fine with Hilmar cashing out from PA, if he runs it into the ground he won’t have to come into work anymore.
GJ CCP , I won eve ages ago :))
“type something otherwise they wont see you are cloaky camping”
i like the idea and i am curious to see how this plays out.
That’s just daft. If I wanted to be local-dark I’d go to a WH. Oh wait. Maybe I already am in a WH on people I want in WHs. Bad change. Even if this is just temporary it’s highly disliked.
Best change ever!
yes, i regret subing for a year at a time… this is why you dont read reddit, you just get stupid ideas