Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

What is the most intense direct effect they have on new players?

1 room schoolhouse in West Verginah?


you are aware that they need omega to mine right
as second yes i agree with you that theres a wildgrowth of unrestricted acounts but this topic is not about alpha acounts

that ppl with alpha acounts can rat in nulsec is the whole reason why i specificly say miners not ratters

holland not the us :wink:

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markets, inflation and CCP eventually nerf alpha clones more where they pretty much cannot make isk. You cant run level 4 missions, you cant effectively mine in a venture since refinery changes, you are restricted to ship fits to be more efficient and all this restricts game play access. It puts new players off from subscribing.

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lol, i have a dozen alpha guys in my corp who mine just fine as an alpha.


Restricting alpha activities puts players off from subbing Omega? Any evidence to back that up or is it one of those hunches everyone here seems to have

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Thats entirely a player choice.

And are you saying the price of Veld has changed considerably in a period of time? That would be the best indicator you could use to base this hypothesis on.

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there is a difference between losing a venture or losing a mining fleet
and i know there a lot of ppl that have a mining fleet who are heavely affected by this nonsense
personaly i mine with a porpoise and a number of skiffs you do the math if you lose that

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The point I was making is excessive accounts is the main issue, im not bothered how people enjoy eve. I do not think your corp miners do very well making isk in a venture.

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Bummer dude. You shouldn’t be able to mine in 99% safety in null sec. Kinda defeats the purpose of 0 security


in nulsec 99% safety

if that place would exist goons would own it or nc. or pl

Fitting is a big issue in eve for pvp and pve for a new player with limited liquid isk.


Im trying to see from your point of view.

As I manufacture T1 ships and fits for new players, I have an interest in the market value of low grade materials.

I have not seen a drastic fluctuation in these markets as of today.

Given these are the materials all new players need for building or for the items they buy (though meta items are as common as they can be farmed, and so cannot be included), Im not sure where your basis for this supposition is coming from.


What’s delve anyway


even that i do apreciate the feedback on mechanics for new players this is kind of killing the purpose of this topic xD

i am talking about the not elite nulsec miners that are being affected by this
they should simply show ccp that they can not make nulsec into wormhole space simply because pvpers do not wanna put the effort in it to get kills

nulsec is not safe and never will be
but the only thing that keeps youre mining fleet alive is local

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And I think you really should do that.

Have you unsubbed? How many accounts?

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by youre replies it is very clear you are not a nulsec miner

i realy do not mind youre posts but it is off topic

How is asking you if you have unsubbed and how many accounts off-topic in a thread where the OP is asking Null Sec miners to unsub their accounts?

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my miners and my cyno toons are on thesame acounts

that is a answer to youre question sicne i do more than just mining
i do not sub the ones that do not have a cyno on them hope that is enough to satisfy