Yes im a returning player and since the changes to alpha/omega one of my toons is pretty much redundant and has to resub to do anything to make some isk. Thats put me off resubbing right there.
Ok, so you are asking people to do something you arenât willing to do yourself.
Thatâs all I wanted to know.
Thank you for your time.
Good day Sir.
so you want miners to be able to mine without putting in the effort to keep themselves safe? If a chat window is how you stay alive then I think itâs a broken mechanic tbh
ramona i do not have to tell you how many acounts i have that is non of youre businiss
the ones specialised in mining and only have miners on em i do not sub so yes i do myself what i ask for
well it is all you have so you use it
You cant play multiple accounts unless you have an omega. How is that not restricting new players?
Not any more
no offense meant good sir
but this topic is not about that if ppl can not subscribe they will be able to use 1 acount and personaly i do not aprove of alphas at all but that is a different topic
alphas broke part of the game
im off to bed now past midnight i will read and respond in the morning
sorry, if your afk miner its your own fault in nul sec. If you have omega and have accounts you can place eyes on gates and WH entrances as some protection. Local means nothing its just an instant warning.
who says im a afk miner ?
i am a active miner and yes whâs are a constant threat but that you just have to deal with when living in nulsec
exactly I think the nulsec changes are fine, ultimately whats breaking eve is unlimited accounts which was my original reply to the original thread and this is the main cause of all the nulsec safety hype and why CCP are making it less safe in nul, Rather than tackling the real fundamental issue.
thrive? what game are you playing? Eve hasnât thrived in years and if anything Nullsec is going to be boring AF just like the failed WH space, only in Nullsec the isk to risk isnât even close
i can not even disagree with you about the unlimitid acounts
but that ccp wants to make it less safe in nul is fine, there plenty of ways they can make it more dangerous without shutting down local
What is hurting eve isnât the number of accounts its how they are used. AFK and botting is the problem.
Youâve never lived in Nullsec Malcolm Arzadar, so how would you know what is and isnât broken? the answer is youâre just a parrot repeating what some other people who donât live in Nullsec said!
How? Drifters? You donât want players to have a chance to kill you so it sounds like you donât want it less safe.
and skill point farms and having an account as eyes in every system and say a new player with one account vs a wealthy booshing/blops 5-10 man gang. Just a few of the many examples. There are advantages with multiple accounts in every aspect on eve and its being exploited.
Youâre right I also havenât been playing this game since 2009 and definitely have never made an alt
Null space miners and the bots DONâT get much more risk, the bots will continue to be safe with a systematic D Scan for changes and will remain aligned. Living players have Corp/Alliance/Coalition communication. Getting to Jita/Amarr/Dodixie is somewhat marginally safer on the way into high security space.