Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

For every coward who stops mining, your ore will become more valuable.

For every coward who stops ratting, your ISK will become more valuable.

Let the cowards run, hide, and cry.


And I remember when it use to cost 700mil to plex your account. When I mean inflation I mean it with regards to plex.

But new players buy PLEX with $$ to sell for Isk, not the other way around.

High prices is to their benefit, as the cost of the materials they can use (for T1 ships, modules and Faction ships) wont be massively affected.

Yes agreed, but there are players plexing accounts, there are other players with vast wealth with vast accounts spiraling that wealth and I suspect hoarding and manipulating the markets. Some I suspect with insider trading. I think CCP are OK with making nulsec less safe, I think half of nulsec is half collaborating alliances fighting CTAā€™s and wars so certain members can reap the rewards of supply and demands on the markets. Anything that attacks this is a good thing in my book. If your a solo account miner with one account and limited combat skills, I can sympathise with the nulsec changes to a degree, however if your one of these AFK massive account fleet miner alts with additional PVP/PVE accounts I think the changes are a good and well deserved change. It just doesnt go far enough. :smile:


Did you use a script to post that too?

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Why isnā€™t this thread merged into in the ā€œlocal comms blackout discussionā€ thread, so I can ignore it automatically along with the rest of the whiny self-pitying nonsense ??


because this is a counter post not a discussion about the blackout itself

Sure, boycott them.
Better for the ingame economy. Can I have your stuff btw?

So, I just want to sum upā€¦

The OP is claiming that its now to difficult to be in Zero-Security space, without the 100% Security of Local telling him exactly who is in system. (I am guessing he and his friends do not actively secure their system, just flee to safety every time local adds another pilot).

So he is asking all Zero-Sec miners to unsub their accounts to send a message to CCP, but for some reason he just canā€™t unsub his accounts right now. But if everyone else would unsub, thatā€™ll be great.


Thatā€™s pretty much the TL;DR of it yes

Hey, I take offense to that :P. I am from WV, but at least I can spell.

If you want to play a game where market manipulation, wealth hoarding etc isnā€™t par for the course, then Eve is not it.

The only questionable part of your post is insider trading, CCP will come down on that like a ton of bricks if they suspect itā€™s the result of leaks from within CCP or the CSM, other than that itā€™s all fair game.

jint you are right and wrong

as i notified i do not only mine and sicne cyno pilots are on same acounts it would not make sense to make new acounts just to make cynos right?

the acounts with only miners on them are unsubbed

Doing what?

ccp expanded the alpha skills so theyd have more to do than play a bit and leave, now people continue to play as alpha because they have what they want to do out of it

I was not criticizing the market and how they work or EVE for having a trading economy. I was responding to an earlier post regarding plex and not every new player buys plex. The point I was making was on the basis of the original post where nulsec miners are complaining about the local blackout and to stop subbing and spitting their dummy out over what I regard as a good thing. I just feel CCP should do something about the excessive multi account BS that is going on and maybe the game would become more fun again and retain new and returning players. The CCP cross-hairs should be on that instead.

To be honest you havenā€™t actually clarified why you think this is a bad thing, or what you feel would be a solution.

\as a returning player, I disagree. Sorry but you are limited as to what you can do as alpha clone, its even worse if your an old player in alpha state with missing skills you now need to inject skill points into or you either be a redundant character or forced into subbing so you can train missing stuff.

The problem arises once again when multiple accounts are being exploited.

eh, how have I not explained why this is a bad thing? One guy with 80-100 accounts, you dont see that as excessive. Why does this one guy need so many? Compare this now to a new player how does this not create an unfair advantage?

No not really.

If we set aside that you feel its unfair on new players, then what is it that you are objecting to?

If we donā€™t set it aside, how does it directly affect new players?

I have many years SP over a new player, why is that not an unfair advantage?

And one final point, how many accounts do you feel is acceptable?