Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

I want to get in on this thread but dont know how. It’s so convoluted.

yells loudly like Anchorman

Boycotting CCP will lower value of PLEX!

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Good night, entitled jealous person.


Ok last comment - i place a sell order, my competition undercuts me, with the time delay he can then manipulate the market or place a new sell/buy order with a second account instantly ensuring his items are top of the list continuously with aggressive active station trading. A normal play now will not be able to counter their actions with the 5min delays on modifying orders.

So you dont run multiple characters on the same account?

sure but thats different from relogging in compared to switching an open window. This can be done with alphas too and why its breaking stuff. Or are you saying now alphas shouldnt trade? Another restriction CCP may need to introduce to control multiple accounts exploiting stuff. So this then ruins new players experiences.

Sorry, an account limit, if it was even enforcable would do nothing to stop that kind of trading. You said it yourself that Alphas can do it, so your point about “excessive” accounts PLEXed or Subbed isnt even relevent to the market objection you have.

Even with an account limit there would still be trading cartels who would still do this. Its been that way for a very long time.

But limiting accounts would STOP one individual having unlimited traders in every station & every engineering complex in every region on EVE if they should desire. So another example of my point which you adamantly believe this sort of thing helps the game in some way.

Irrelevent if it doesn’t prevent the problem you claim it causes.

Quote me on that. I have ONLY ever stated that the current situation suits CCP , and that is who you need to convince there is a problem in the first place.

All I’m telling you is that “its not fair” without a real economic reason isn’t going to make them do anything.

I think they know, I think they just worry about upsetting parts of the player base just like the guy who started the thread in the first place. Burn Jita down and piss CCP off or unsub because we dont agree with it. If it helps the game and attracts more players thats an incentive. Instead of a F2P but buy plex and pay for your fellow capsuleers 50+ accounts. :slight_smile:

You may have noticed Im all in favour of the kulaks quitting.

However, I enjoy a playstyle that, while removed from krabbing in the filth, still benefits from multiple accounts.

From my own perspective, with my bias on , I say that I have no wish to lose it simply based on your feeling that the market will somehow right itself and noobs will own Gilas and everyone will have big hugs in the ruins of Mittanigrad.

Because I don’t believe in that future.

And Im certain neither does CCP.

Which is why I keep stating excessive accounts. Its just determining what is the correct balance here.

Im sure my individual feelings wont change anyone’s mind or impact CCP and their positioning of the game. Only they know the stats surrounding this and whether new/returning players like the current game. Personally I can only express my opinion, but the current playerbase will be biased and I think thats the real reason why CCP wont have the stones to react. Instead they will just implement NPC stuff to anger said players and try to limit their previous unhindered BS multi-boxing. I am not attacking limited multiboxing accounts here either. I think there is a niche here and a good form of gameplay but it needs to have some controls.

The markets I suspect wont change much at all there will still be supply and demand but who reaps all the rewards would be more evenly distributed across the EVE universe. Player interactions would change again for the better with good corp/alliance content as well as having the odd spy here and there again. Maybe?

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Im not in any doubt as to your motive, but until you can say;

X accounts is fine but

Greater than X is excessive because…

I dont think youll get traction on it, sorry.

As I said above i dont think this should be down to the community it should be CCP stance ultimately. I dont really think players need more than 5 active accounts unless they are AFK/botters generally. This will all affect how alliances and corps are managed too with holding corps and the like, trust will be needed once again because they wont have the accounts to hold everything. The old EVE was far superior in relation to all this stuff too. It would affect every part of the game for the better.

I had as many accounts then as I have now.

Under your rules, a lot of them would be gone.

Are you accusing me of something?

Your not breaking the rules and T&C are you so how you play your game is up to you. I just have an opinion on what I think players in todays game can have unfair advantages and it is breaking EVE.

Botting is illegal and if you suspect it you should report it.

Its quite a different thing from multi-boxxing,

Btw, you said you left pre-2012 and only recently came back, yet you are driving a wipe-clean no recorded kills character born in 2014.

Just so you are aware.

Yes, I returned to Eve after a pal sent me a return to eve promotion back when I started this account to test the waters because my main was locked in nul prior to all the BS ship changes in 2013 and alpha/omega clone stuff, I gave it 2-3 weeks but then had real life stuff so havent returned again until recently.

Cool. Wasn’t fishing, just in case someone else mentioned it.

Well I think we have about used up this topic.

Tag out.


night, I just wish more people got involved with this thread, I suspect they all keep silent since it has a different tangent than the original thread. It is all related though.
