Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

Блин я все думал кинуть игру и как то все еще крабил в нулях… А сейчас я ее наконец брошу нафиг мне такие нули как ВХ . Бугага Ура конец моему мучение крабинга. Еще раз доказано, что самый эффективный способ выиграть эту игру, не играя в нее. Так что я выиграл. Нужно идти. ПОКА

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not being a salty retard :slight_smile:

Well, some people here are playng the game long enough to make some toughts about this.
For example, isteand to shooting sentence like ure the knowledge’s god , some good and wise dudes may think:
Wow, Eve is back to days when it wasnt so carebear caring!!, is back to days where noone were supposed to be so safe in zones so rich and now so stable!! is back to days when, because of this core feature, there was ** 50000 people online in peaks ** , maybe worth a shoot to log in again!!

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only 1?

Yes yes keep the coms relaying info keep the gates blocked protect the plebe masses and , make sure to keep under your umbrellas and your weapons ready Steady guys Steady , :slight_smile:

You did…

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Hows your numbers looking without the carebears? the same?

So whats the point in having the carebears?

Today we did and how many did your faction get what was the largest ship taken down huh from what I see nothing special , but you so special Lug we know you try so hard.

Looks to me like the only person being a ‘try hard’ is in fact you.

Yes but not for the market noob sauce I mean like for the corp, like teamwork hmmm something you cant take into account, because we are not in it for ourselves like you are.

One day I’ll remember their proper names. On comms we just call the cloaky ones covert ops cruisers and the not cloaky ones Recons. So me trying to use its proper name now is backfiring.

It keeps them from paying our enemies rent. This is EVE. Everything is PvP.


lol tru tru

Nope our Logistics groups have a couple hundred people that help every day , you keep seeming to fail in your assessment of what was said or only looking at in your narrow special terms. It ok it might be to hard for you to understand.

A couple of hundred…

out of what, three thousand? 5? 6?

percentage wise is it a lot?

That salt must be getting into your eyes mate.

He’s BRAVE. Legacy’s got something like 20k pilots. Some of them are even mains.

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Actually one unintended consequence that absolutely will happen is that hauling high value cargo is piss easy during blackout. Because covert cynoing blockade-runners around with high value cargo is gonna be much simpler when it’s harder to keep track of people. It was somewhat viable before but now it’s kinda ■■■■■■■■.

Unintended consequences will absolutely be a thing. Once the big blocs establish the perception of ‘camps on every gate’, they’ll be free to deploy offensively while nobody can see it coming. Imagine the surprise when a TEST supercap fleet drops on DeadCo in Branch1

  1. Yes, I’m aware this is even more unlikely than CCP paying attention to this thread.

Lol no we really dont need any more we are streamlined, but then again would not understand that you have only PEW PEW PEW on those limited brain cells , we have more we have the support system to trash your pew pew pew through teamwork, so go on go Pew pew , we will shoot you down over and over, till yes please give us that salt you mentioned will help with our Lutefisk.

ccp need cash i think. they wont player witch pay for the game. to much isk ingame.