Really? “I have gay friends” is your play? Just stop, please.
WOW now here is a clear ranting racist tisk tisk , is that the best you can come really, at least I have friends, gay straight bi whatever and most can shoot you out of whatever trash space you wish to fight,
And what is wrong in having gay friends , do tell
You dont have them.
I’d be surprised if you have any real freinds tbvh.
Awww you jealous keep ranting
in future the most time i.ll be off now.
“I can’t be racist, I have black friends” was a common protest among many racists. Similarly, “I have gay friends” is often used by gay-bashers to deflect and evade. Really, just stop.
It’s ok. I don’t judge. There is space for everyone. For you it’s nullsec.
I hope it was a sarcastic comment, hard to tell the empathy of written text sometimes. Especially in a threadnaught like this. Time to get some more popcorn
Of you? god no.
I could not stress how happy i am i do not even know you.
CCP can close this thread… Seems all sensible arguments are depleted.
it’s to early to compare… you dont have full day data - and you dont have a comparable weekend … too early - at the earliest we’ll know how well/bad this was on monday DT… at that point we’ll also have data from zkillboard ( should be out of blackout mode)
at this point i have seen nullsec players laughing - screaming - enjoying - burning in the nullsec playground that is blackout.
ccp play with yourself
That is fantastic F F F F F F F F F F F
Congratulations! You’ve successfully dragged all production to a complete halt (in a game DRIVEN by production), given players who are die hard industrialists no incentive to log on, given reason to unsub accounts across the board, and reduced my gameplay to nil all thanks to a stupid idea that has no worth! We already have WH space, we don’t need blackouts wholesale across New Eden. Give us the choice back as to whether we engage in WH space or not! END THE BLACKOUT YOU INCONSIDERATE AND NON THINKING FREAKS! oh, and if this is an attack on botters, then come up with an idea that directly affects them and no one else!
Or maybe they should never ever made all the changes that trasformed EVE in the “game” u just jumped in yesterday… who knows, maybe is a step to get back THAT game, time will tell.
I dunno, I made a few billion today mining in Delve while my supercapital was in the defense fleet.
You must be short on sight , I never bashed anyone but the troll he started with the but hurt remark then the are you homophobic I admitted freely I have friend and like you different races as well point out once how I was bashing lol I only bashed Lug.
Just. Stop.
Seriously. Let it go. This is the kind of argument nobody wins, where protests only dig you in deeper. Just let it go.