Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

had a lot of good pvp yesterday! met a lot of new people in space
should point that the game became much more interesting and the feeling of unknown presence in space is great. now nullsec doesn’t seem so empty ) thank you CCP, you finally made it <3


So you have several alts that clearly arent subbed and you dont play with…

whats your point?

OOOOOOHHHH your posting on alts to say blackout sucks ok i get it so basically out of every ten people that say blackout is bad, about nine are you?

Interesting metagaming… if only you put that much effort into the game, you might actually get gud.

well it does… and it doesnt; no one knows lol but yeh makes roaming more interesting.

several? D= again isnt a game of alts? that if you want to be in the real eve you need to have atleast 2alts? lol who is salty now? haha

Ok i cant really read that and make sense of it, could you rephrase please?

so basically out of every ten people that say blackout is bad, about 2 are you?

Are you homophobic?

I believe he is saying you need a new boyfriend as you seem angry andlove would maybe make you less butthurt about the world beeing better then you…

at most Sana is wishing you more joy and love in your life…

why do you think people are homophobic when saying things like this? are you not happy with yourself and are emotionaly unwell? I hope not… but just incase - it’s never bad looking for proffesional help.


small kinds you fly cloak ■■■■?

is this a “in the closet” reference?

I think anyone saying that is clearly a hatefilled homophobe, probably rascist and upon looking at previous posts of said person id have to say indeed they are a hatefilled little troll.

Not my problem, but for sure wont get any sense out of them.


btw not relly trying to fight each other point of view, but what i say its what i saw, but what i relly think its what ccp did with this, its very risky, they relly can lose alot of players and i dont lought of the ppl that want the change, (well maybe alitle lol) but in a good way), i laught of CCP becuse they shouldnt doit like this.

I think they licked too many beds.

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Try telling that to a renter who is restricted to their only system or few systems they have rented. I agree the data is delayed but it is good enough data to give a hunter a target area to go hunting.

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Sorry you had to take this conversation to a unhealthy level , but you have proves nothing that is all

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nothing but love on these forums … +1

Eva has evolved from a space simulator into a simulator of a blind kitten

A)I believe they were being sarcastic.
B)Instead, tell the renter ‘don’t rent’.

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cloak game
alpa clone = low player = eve oflline