Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

Nah. How this shakes out in the long run is pretty obvious.

eve oflline incoming


Flying through null today

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sure, why not?
there you go.

haha look online player only alfa tards


Your online?

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not it’s cloak ■■■■


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I’ve had multiple accounts pretty much since i started (15 years ago in August) and i’m not alone.
In fact i don’t personally know anyone who has a single account with a single character.
The game was never designed for one play style or another CCP gave us all certain things and left us to it - Multi boxing became a thing because it made doing the mundane easier and more efficient. Capitals and moving large quantities of things made multiboxing more necessary and so it goes.

You could really say, CCP intended for, wanted players to have multiple accounts by the way development went.


I know lots of people that only have one account.

OMG haha i didnt belive my friends when they told me the game will go to the ■■■■ whit this blackout, and after today i saw like 6 goodbyes in the chat, alot of ppl complaining on chats and 2 players doing biomass lool… I dunno what idiot belive this was going to be a good idea haha, this will be the second game i see ding becuse stupid desicions lolol, (first was a cel game called greed for glory that after a guy in charge changed the rules the game lose half of the players and after that they couldnt bring the ppl back and they left the game to die).

And this is only day 1 haha i want to see the numbers once CCP says if this stays or not XD

But you’re a superhero Lugburz:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Tx to this change I had an amazing Eve experience last night. Thanks CCP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpCxsq_63bU&feature=youtu.be

Awww you are just so adorable trying to get a reaction little troll keep going your salt sustains me ty. You never said what you accomplished PVP wise today hmm I wonder how you did do tell

“This is the first time Ryunohige Yggdreant has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!”

Welcome!!! oh no ,… Goodbye!!!

Oh i just noticed…let’s welcome them to our community… i found the real proof CCP encourage multibox!!!

coming from someone who clearly doesnt play the game that means absolutely nothing to be fair.

I mean its not like you were playing the current iteration…

Remember titan lol you got well nothing all day poor you and rant and rave and huff and fuss , maybe you should watch a few episodes of My Little pony friendship is Magic , after a few episodes you might understand it , but yes I know how to work and support and teamwork, I say if you are so great how many kills did you get today link them , show them prove your the shizny , light our world with your tactical brilliance or shut up on how you see others.

err you know this is a game of alts right? lololol…

I have a question for the miners who pour tears here . You want to dig in 0.0 systems and have a 100% chance to avoid losing a ship, is that correct? why do you need your ali member to protect the structures? can make invulnerable structures for you? Why do you join an alliance where no one protects you?
why the second window does not prepare pvp ship for protection? instead you whine here

I think you have already become arrogant, if you want to be safe go to HIsec


You sound butthurt about being a useless alliance filled with useless people.

Honestly if you have ‘‘hundreds of people’’ willing to pitch in, blackout shouldnt be an issue, in fact your group should be better off for it.

Yet here you are… complaining about blackout… why is that?

alliance full of useless people, thats why.