Are you masochist??? most of that battle ( if i dont remember bad in once ive being in ) dates back in days when null was not so protected than last years… and some of the lasts involving huge supercap fleets are just there cos of the immense assets accumulated by people who can just… produce them more safe…
I dont understand what you are saying are you saying that you hate local because it gives your position away hell I know PVP players that risk that every day and get kills and make it out. Teamwork is what makes a corps resistance even more deadly then the hunters. PVP players scream they have it so hard yet still so many kills happen even when local was up, when they release the new structures and put local under corp control imagine how hard things will be then.
If you want to end that safety climb the ranks become a war leader , invade and destroy take a piece of Null for yourself then learn to defend it, when it belongs to you most people fight harder for it.
hmmm no im sayng that:
AGAIN point is they were made safe in teamwork , being part of a large Alliance and Corp , if it was a non controlled area anything goes. People learned to band together, put up defenses and structures Coordinate responses to intruders, it is through teamwork that is no mystery it is made safe through effort. Do you understand this.
But take into account in Null sec again as any place in EVE your never fully safe
Ok i reformulate in a simpler way…
CCP think that to be in those zones and be so safe and rich u need MORE effort.
Enough simple?
You know how Corps and alliances work right, I don’t know what CCP really wants they confuse the living heck out of me to be honest , all i can say is that a corp working together makes things far safer then going out alone. CCP is not the one controlling those areas of space directly maybe this is what you think, maybe it is a language barrier thing but Null sectors are made safer by people working together.
JJ Look at this
So do it and stop whining… when i say more effort i mean more than:
“hello guys i go mine in my fav belt/moon while watching a movie and looking at intel chan with side view… ready to warp out at ant threath spotted less than 2j from me of course if i spot someone i do the same so we collaborate all and put all the effort to make our ally the best in eve… … semi-afk cya”
I don’t have to play your way , now your just rude so cry me a river about how you fail to succeed, so if you are upset I don’t play according to your rules well HEY BITE ME I have been playing this game for 10 years and done more for it then you ever have , grow up and learn to be a good PVP’er if not stay in high sec and gank there.
I play eve for 3 hours a day , I am never AFK while flying noob and if I go afk I dock so not to let some noob Ganktard like you have the chance to kill me, sharpen your skill and play the way you want if you don’t like the way I play that is to damn bad for you.
Oh and thank you for your Salt yummy
im not upset at all… really, honestly i dont fking care of this ( well remember days when null people laughted at war changes saing who caress!!!.. they will adapt or dies!!! but im just above this). I just argued a point about what this change is made by CCP cos MAYBE ( again) they think null is too safe and too low in risk/reward and something must be have done.
It’t more like:
“hey guys…I am gonna mine in that belt with my 15 rorquals while I am outside repairing my bike. It’s ok…though…don’t worry. My favourite bot software will inform me in time if there is a neutral 5 jumps out and will retract my excavators and warp me off if needed. Also I will get a message directly on my phone so I have enough time to get back if I am really am in danger.”
My Corp has adapted we are strong as for null being safe you fail to realize how it was made that way.
If it is to tough for you go Gank in high sec , or HTFU and become the Hunter you wish to be.
Your so wrong again silly person I have only one account, I have never flown a Rorqual never wanted to , I dont bot the only warning system I have is my fleet actively relaying intruders, I stay aligned I watch D scan , I play with my wits not your supposed and false
accusation of botting again you fail to know anything , I will be staying in game playing the way I wish and sorry that you losers cant accept it.
Well, I don’t say it is you but through various spies in different alliances I know that this is very common.
I will give you that I want the bots gone to , CCP has a large responsibility in this and could do several things to change it but that would mean like almost a complete change in the code of the game.
Oh so ur here cryng for?
JJ you don’t seem to speaky the English well, you are so funny you cant even tell a serious post from crying what I said was a fact sorry if you cant understand or wrap your pathetic narrow mind on the conversation , get a better translation software or learn to type English better. You are the cry baby , you complain and nag that you have it so tough well do something about it but I so enough time wasted on sad JJ, if I have upset you for stating clearly the way I chose not to play well you will never understand and you should not try to BYE
maybe this means something
I don’t know really yet the code for this to be linked in the game is
in game open the notepad then paste into the in game notepad or type
<url=showinfo:35905>Structure Local Communications Array
Structure Local Communications Array
<url=showinfo:37049>Structure Local Communications Array Blueprint
Structure Local Communications Array Blueprint
#English is not preferred language do best to provide this for you then possible see items.
source= > ----> # Structure Local Communications Array ----># Structure Local Communications Array Blueprint
– In the dynamic sandbox of human interaction within the cause an effect no one will agree to disagree peacefully within large number of humans therefore conflict is also a form of resolution.
EVE Online is a multi part player freedom of choice sandbox.
-business tycoons
-empire builders
Humans want all whom are the same as the human statements in groups share in the same enjoyment of the hobby aspect for eve online as an entertainment platform as a service by which people pay good money for.
All whom have canceled paying real money subscriptions are not incorrect for the choices for becoming unsatisfied with the change in services then as labeled for “Adapt or die” campaign there fore it is the freedom of choice by which to elect to pay good hard earned money for to decide what for the owner of the account will deem as entertainment.
There is not a Right Wrong within eve online for this is human free will.
The former mechanics provided a sense of balance for all players an no matter what change is created there is also changes which are simply not acceptable for all players in the game new and old.
The older veteran players are also many yet not all in real life are in the late 30 age range to a few which I know are up into 60+ years old.
These Real life age of players are the teachers an mentors for eve online an the major powers in null also created areas of content by which is not typically at an availability for the new player immediately in eve online in the old veteran timeline of eve.
“Null sec is safer than high sec” :
very common passed around statement which is completely untrue
there is only one true safety aspect of eve anywhere a player exist within eve online.
Always watch local
Observe an learn the surrounding area you are playing within
Learn to use DSCAN
In DSCAN Right Click the results of the DSCAN > Show Info ( works most of the time not 100% of the time )
Learn to PVP WELL ( learn to do more than blob together in raw numbers an do more than group weapons an preass F1 unless using a trigalvian ship then pvp is the new "easy mode let the damage cycle up )
Choose your fights wisely an never make quick assumptions:
Fly with Logi ( remote repair or learn to spider tank )
the list goes on nearly forever within the infinite possibilities for eve online
Core skills without skill books is find a team of players who have respect for one another as humans at the game sitting there with the free time real life to develop a community.
Conflict within a group of people online is not a healthy gaming environment by which eve online is notorious for the less than positive human interactions.
Develop practice an train…
However in defense to all in the game is that
very often players without knowing of this sudden expansion never posted before this time about the sudden changes being the drifter invasions then afterward an unexpected change to null local not reporting the status of the players entering so now have purchased plex with real life earnings of the cash from employment in the real world then to skill inject into a capital ship lack the experience of years of game play now have the feeling ( not everyone ) of being ripped off by ccp because now the ship of choice by that of human nature to assume that “bigger is better concept” at which skills level V and the skills without skill books is more effective in an organized group can no longer play the type of content the newer player who have just use the above of real money into plex into skill injectors into an expensive ship now feel completely ripped off.
There is a dynamic here for it is not that people are what so many copy an paste one another in eve online for I can post in here every single comment players state in eve an yet the issue still remains as the real money used to purchase plex an packs ( loot boxes in other games ) do not want to lose because of the lack of knowledge as well as the marketing campaigns of eve online with the die hard eve online gamer fans because of the hard earned money real life to play a game to enjoy what the real life wages have purchased.
Eve is a steep learning curve an there was a time where the community was not the same as the shift of players are in eve online now.
Now the more common players is staring at killboards when in pvp for the virtual trophies an then want to dumb anyone else not on a killboard down so I am not making any statements for readers to sit here an dissect then disseminate based on the personal level of enjoyment.
All players in eve online are part of the moving parts within the MMO Sandbox.
( Here is what many may not consider in null an off the path areas far away from the trade hubs PVP pilots being that most blueprints only require industry level 1 to create the items Make their own ships therefore PVP ( not everyone in pvp ) players are also in the mix of industrial as well.
-Bottom line:
Eve online is a sandbox of the ability to play any type of free will based options in the long term hobby which is immersive involved and there is not a right wrong in eve there is only finding what a player wants to do for paid for entertainment.
Now if eve online becomes a true pvp game then the following needs to be restored to eve as before the nerfing changes to make a real so called ‘simulation’ function properly then let the players learn to adapt to the new changes such as.
1>) Fleet boost allows you to jump a stargate active yet not dock into a structure to safe up so as the FC boosting can move with the fleet instead of being trapped for 30 seconds on the other side of the gate unable to follow with boost after the targets which have jumped the stargate.
2.> Remove the aggression 30 second timer in null security space after all this is suppose to be the so called wild wild west outlaw space then why are there so many penalties for doing pvp .
3.> make a better designed DSCAN tool for the game to make more sense to the newer player an fix this new getting lost Microsoft surface touch screen friendly UI make more sense to the not as technical human. Put the common used buttons back on the left side as in "wallet, map, personal assets, fleet, market for example I have had near level migraines from attempting to show new players where all this is located even with using the new “pointer blue text option”
4.> provide a burnout timer for the overloaded modules for the new player since you want to make eve online so easy for the new players so that a heads up display will real time report the module status.
5.) Want to really kick this game into gear then make everything in the game not so time consuming to obtain an produce ( this will completely break the way eve is designed as an operating system for according to eve online posting many years in the past did not really know what to do when making a video game so CCP designed it as an operating system with gaming functions ) go for the true free for all
Now finally give the players what was marketed at day one which is a flight stick dog fighting mode into eve online hell it is not that hard to modify the camera and controls from the now existing first person point of view. That will get the adrenaline pumping in fleet fights.
you already have the binds of
UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT all you need now is fire button selection binds.
16 years into eve online an it is the same point click press buttons until one or the other explodes
eve still works on raw numbers the greater the numbers that team wins. ( unless experienced well organized then the more organized team wins most of the time unless there is a counter to the fleet. )
Now here is enough random information for the short attention span to skip read an the more skilled to read an the trolls to hate on then all will in eve online not ever agree to disagree an let the game progress an mature as it all plays out.
New player need teachers an mentors yet most new players now I have been meeting always follow after the largest crowd. Human nature to want acceptance an then bring other players into the same interest level.
I am not that fond of out of game killboard for this also releases too much intel out of game in a web browser as to what a pilot uses in the game an where the kills have occurred therefore the real mystery of the game is removed.
Far too many players want to look at a killboard then hate troll on the newbie or a player which simply have eve online with all of the diverse content as a hobby then therefore reject a player whom later wanted to learn pvp an test the content of the game.
Eve online is dynamic
Everyone repeats of 16 years the same phrases they hear from someone else an yet not have I observed where the players whom repeat the same 16 year old phrases the original sources an if the phrases quoted are fact or opinion.
I even her the quotes about ALL of the major creators of the alliance in eve…
Well the player which owns an created the alliances are simply better than the rest who have not.
Why hate. one day you may join them for you never know who may win the game of conquest.
Yes eve online is a bit stagnant in some areas of the game because it is a 16 years repeat of an upgraded 16 years old sandbox operating system
Human ideas can only go so far before the new ideas are wash rinse repeat of the same ideas.
Here is what i am curious about with the AI engine behind eve online for the drifters sleepers concord NPC ( rats ) an so on.
How hardcore can CCP if the limited was removed for the machine learning advance in the per interaction per player incident adapt to where you would no longer know the difference between player operation an Artificial Intelligence.
The machine never sleeps.
Do we win now?
Yes that is probably what will replace Local in Null and Local will be returned, but we will see how that is all implemented .
ok bye, yes im the cry baby, im the one who point at others telling we are strong and we adapted ur a ganker ( again… post ur sourches or thats the Nth ■■■■■■■■)… but now i go cos i dont have nothing more to say.
But if u adapted and ur strong why dont just use ur power at ur advantage now, is better cring here?? mystery.
oh ok Bye