Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

Just doing the god’s work in removing bad genes.

Cons of blackout: Online player count in first 24hrs down 10% on this time last week.
Pros of blackout: enemy titan tried to drive by so got a free titan kill


How about structures in claimed systems, builtable by players, which will monitor passes through local gate (not through WH and Cynos) and give information concerning pilots passed through gates to his owner Corp / Alliance: If player came through WH he will be invisible in Local chat (no such local monitoring for players is available in NPC NULL sec space), if he gone throgh WH - he will stay in local chat - same as the WH mechanica.
WH traffic will be great again, NPC space will be less preferred than claimable systems )))

Hi. I have 2 accounts fray_barto and cure _barto it seems that CCP, is trying to implant, that local null sec, you can not see the local players. if this is decided to be permanent, I will abandon the game. and I will not renew my accounts, which end on July 31. I think, that in null sec, not being able to see the premises, supposes a reduction of profits of ISK, to be able to do activities of PVP etc. If the players can not make a living, in null sec, undermining or doing missions, because we are not sure of the place, this game loses competitiveness. also in the worholes and you can not see the place, and therefore, there is already played without seeing the premises. but, it is not necessary to do it in null sec. So, I’ll wait for your answer, and if, persist in that null sec, do not see the crazy one, I will definitely abandon the game. please, please reconsider this change in the game a cordial greeting fray_barto and cura_barto


. please, please reconsider this change in the game a cordial greeting fray_barto and cura_barto

No matter how would all pvp players be impressed by this blackout experiment , but fact is one , most of players who can’t actualy be a ‘pro pvper’ will leave the game .So CCP think twice before making wormhole space off nullsec , After all it has sov owned by aliances , in my opinion is just a bit rude to take and drop all local channels just to impress few whining pvp players or gankers.


Finally you can see with our own eye’s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfnNeEKHTmQ

and before you say he was a marauder I’d like to point out he has not gone into bastion (until later) and is easily killing bombers by kiting them out :].

Enemies having bombers doesn’t mean everything just dies…


the game already has an option of not seeing the place in the worholes, and whoever wants to play without seeing the place, can go to the worholes. therefore, that in null sec, you can not see the place, it does not seem good to me. There will be people who leave the game. can not make a living in null sec, to do pvp


I do not understand the CCP … Have they gone completely crazy to remove the local. If they want the NULLSEC to function as WH, then they better remove the entire NULLSEC. That’s better … But this is not a positive change in the game but just trying to get rid of the game and maybe running away with the money they have. If CCP wants to close this game, then they should simply say so. I have a corp of 150 people. What are those people going to do? I pay my plex with real money. If this game can no longer be played, I will just sue them and claim my money back. Change is something good, but this is too much …


Grow some balls? A backbone? A spine? Iono

Oh my god, I would LOVE to see you try this.


believe me i will do that… this is incomprehensible…

Tbh game feels even more dead now , i just get boored of spamming dscan , most of folks offline it sux so faar.


Please let us know how it goes, because I would REALLY like to see someone fail this spectacularly. Especially when your real name gets listed on the lawsuit.

Edit: lol, he can’t even commit to a post without having to withdraw it as soon as he makes it, lmao.

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He is pretty mentally deranged. From the last week he has been nonstop shitposting and ranting about non-issues, calling PVE hard and being generally retarded. lol

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And there is still the option in the game to ‘see the place’ in low sec and high sec. So whoever wants to play that can go there.

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I understand your statement an therefore endorse your freedom of speech.
I am also in null in a back end area so remote that the only way in and out is a cyno or a jump gate an then some idiot installs the Quantum Flux Generator V at which nonstop all we are doing is watching for local spikes of WH group which come out like a angry hornets nest of triglavn and tournament ships to fight.
If you are not aware of the alliance tournament ship stats it is a near developer level player ship can be killed yet so overkill it is more of a time wasting pain in the ass for the owners are rare to stay on the grid long enough to die.
Unfortunately for my my account is long term subbed so therefore it is time consuming process.

I strongly believe the core reasoning is about the eve online shopping cart.
I am also aware by which many of my best friends in eve left the game now due to this black out n this is a total of 119 paid player accounts now not subbed for the long term unless ccp stops all of this random hot drop break the game.
This is a forced mechanic on the players

Also to the people whom want to dissect the statements for the infinite possibilities for eve online…

CCP makes Null a free for all random hunting ground…
CCP sticks Drifter NPC Up everyone @$$ which blew up my best mate’s super and my other best mate rorquil after making the jump to move to the market after a total of 37 days REAL LIFE TIME to mine / make all the capital parts then assemble .
DEDICATED PVP players are like the convenient store level instant gratification
Do not care HOW the items came to be only want that quick HIGH from the "eve shakes’ ( which us really fear btw of losing. ( mistaken for excitement )
The fact is not when the hard time base work with effort is lost to a player that is fair game .
However seeing how one non combat based ship is being attacked by 1000 pilots wanting to whore onto a high value isk killmail is a bot over kill in some situations for this kill is not about damage to enemy resources it is simple GANG MENTALITY KILLING…
When lost to an unexpected NPC kill of what landed on my mates of 100 drifters an there are way too many targets to manage on the frig when there was zero alert zero warning for in the area intel channel no one believed me when i stated there is a blob of drifters out here attacking an then it was not believed.
All that time an effort wasted then the player unsubbed a few days later as well as the super cap pilot.
Here is what CCP intends by speculation
Increase the needs to have PLEX to sell for ingame money ( an CCP always reports losses in epic battles to the comparison of ISK to USD ) [ well guess what there is a BTC “BITCOIN” to USD conversion also however this is on some locations of the world either banned or tax based regulated ]
Therefore the comparison may be a bit um… misleading in advertising to players?
Wait it is not because the conversion is ONE WAY TRANSACTION IN FIAT TO ISK.
This why in LAW that there is the posting on the website as
Downloadable Content.
When there is zero files ever transferred as a file to use install archive for legal backup copy bye which is only provided in the existing pre-installed already in existence eve online client.
Therefore how is the “DLC” there is never any “new” files saved to the hardrive…
Oh wait this is the legal work around or legal loophole.
An also guess what!
not satisfied with your DLC purchase performance?
zero refunds.
Due to the nature of item of the Pilots License Extension being a single point of purchase transactions. The downloadable content PLEX can not be refunded.
Thank you for playing eve online.
Thank you for yours truely,

eve online more of a casino?
OR is eve online a MMO?
you decide the house always wins in the casino…

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will do mate

CCP will still support the crying of single-celled people who have sawdust in place of the brain, again bots will be around, with the next decision I propose the CCP to enter a concord at 0.0 and finally kill the PVP in this game.
remove pvp in eve and leave only arenas so that miner can drip!

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It is incomprehensible that CCP can do such a thing. Have they taken mad people there for the so-called improvement of the game or are they drunk … what does CCP actually want us to stop the game … then they should better say that … what does CCP actually want? … they don’t say what they want or first ask what most players would like … but just perform … it is not enough that they have already changed so much … or if they want to see more money … then I would say so. this is unbelievable … ■■■■ the CCP …


The goonswarm want to turn 0.0 into a hi-sec to quietly engage in RMT,
Therefore, so many snot from its members

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