Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

Covert Dreadnaughts is when? It’s a thing.

That I agree with the mini game for d-scan is off putting to say the least. I can understand regular scanning with probes needing a mini game ish but d-scan can sod off.

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developers don’t think at all are adding nonsense as wood to fire

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President owned Vehicle…yeah

Or why not add it so you can tell if there are cloaked ships in system, you just don’t know where they are or what they’re in. So on DSCAN “unknown signature” just pops up, no direction, no info, just lets you know that it’s out there? Easy way to make cloaky camping harder…

Or we could ignore all of your ideas and leave cloaking alone because it is fine as it is.

Yes, that sounds good, let’s go with that.


or a module of emp pulse or something like that to knock out any potential cloaked ship within ??Km radious as a fit option? or yeah just leave cloaked ships alone for the eve experience

Any role for black ops battleships in all of this?

good joke really the best :joy::joy::joy:

So you give all the power to cloaky campers. Now to only way to play this game is to sub 60 accounts and camped every system in a region and just black ops pvp. You do know that more than half of the players enjoy pve? If players wanted to play in systems with no local then they would just live in WH’s. If that wasn’t enough we also have gangs of drifters running around. Your killing one of the best mmo’s. To pilots whos say this is a good thing when our systems are being camped and with no local who is going to pve? Who’s going to build those pvp ship? Who’s going to build those modules? Who’s going to build those riggs?

Jim_Harlocker hats off to you calling them out with the only thing they do care about subs/bank accounts


someone played elit dangerous How is it? thanks


or you could build working as a team in a corp in those blacked out areas, or don’t go there.

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Elite is Grind without end. But take a look for your self

depends… empty and unvorgiving

Go kill an empire! they turned off our locals! we have to show them what happens to the empire when we are without a local chat!

Tldr; CCP talked about changing local for a long time; they finally did it, pvers upset cause they can’t afk farm.


You can’t say work as a team when again there is no risk to cloaky camping, you can just sit and wait until you see a juicy target, pop cyno alpha ship get out. Literally requires a group of people on grid watching you while you rat or mine to ensure safety and even with that if your ships are expensive enough they’ll go for it anyway. With cloaks and no local takes all the risk away from the pvpers and drops it solely on the miners/raters

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They think losing a 5mil cloak ship is “risk”

Risk vs reward is a foreign concept to people who’ve never had to face that concept


The large amounts of salt here is unfounded… You can still do what you need to PvE-wise, just with a security detail, like there once used to be. Everyone has intel networks of various forms and ears on the tracks before anything happens, nothing is much of a surprise. Null has become a place of complacency and solo everything. Just a little while into the blackout and Null corps have started having players rely on each other again. Have not seen a standing fleet so sexy in a long time. This makes null everything it was meant to be I reckon. Gone is the 3 hour gatecamp with no content, welcome to the necessary gatecamp to make sure nothing gets through to your krabbers. More will try ■■■■, more will be stopped… And worrying about losing ships is a mentality for people unused to life in null to begin with. The only thing you can guarantee in null is that you will loose ships. Play-styles will adapt, doctrines will change, and economys with rebalance themselves. Make nullsec great again, this most certainly helps to that end :wink: