As the blackout stretches on, more and more of our guys are really enjoying themselves with it. They like the way it leads to people feeling like they need to stay alert, keep on top of things. It helps avoid the relentless boredom when you’re basically living in a horror movie, waiting for the monster to jump out at you.
They do think having the local count, but not showing who is in-system, would be an improvement. It’d help with hunting as well as letting you watch out for spikes.
Your right fam, I miss read that as Get 3 months of Multiple Character Training (MCT) for just $1 when you purchase 3 months. allows me to train two characters instead of one if I spend…what? 45? 50 dollars on a single account? Only claimable by a single account?
Or me reading: “free Skill Points between 17 and 25 July! As an Alpha pilot you can claim up to 200k Skill Points, but upgrade to Omega and you can claim up to 650k Skill Points throughout the event,” Means that both alpha and omegas get access to that, not just null bears like yourself.
Answer CONCORD’s call to arms and fight the Triglavians by gaining as many Skill Points as you can during Skilling Spree between 24 July and 21 August for destroying NPCs! Hint you will get bonuses if you participate in Triglavian events, which is right next door to me in high sec…Maybe I should do that.
If you do all these events, you get maybe…what? A million skill points, super useful if you don’t have a lot, not so useful when you need a million skill points to train one skill level. I need 750 thousand skill points just to finish my level 4 target painter skill…So yeah, I don’t think it geared to players that have been around, and are more geared towards players that are just starting off…To you know, let them get all the basic skills quicker.
I will be honest, I do like the blackout because I have to watch local and keep an eye on my s-scan. It feels similar to 2005-2006 when channel mechanics made having an intel channel nearly impossible. We would have to do constant gate camps to get intel and it generated content. I think it is amazing, and it does change all of the strategies and how alliances work. I have heard complaints about small alliances being badly impacted by the changes due to lack of numbers. Those small alliances don’t want to become renters or join other coalitions.
I agree that the blackout should be permanent, but the lack of any information in local (same as wormhole mechanics) is a bit excessive. Mostly because we are still in “known” space where 4-helium does exist, rather than “unknown” where it does not exist. However, why not permit those of us living in null the defense of a character counter? It is one step above the wormhole mechanics, but would provide at least enough information for null-sec members to get out.
I recently lost a Myrmidon because I wasn’t paying attention, but the thing is I had been spamming D-Scan, but D-Scan only goes up to 14.2AUs, and the system was approximately 36AUs and everything is spread out. Many null-sec systems are much larger than that, and I feel that some sort of amplifier should be used. Something to boost the strategy to assist null-sec alliances allow better defenses against enemies who may arrive.
Since this is basically hitting the income of nullsec players, those who actually pvp and pay subscription will keep going, but a good amount of pilots buying PLEX with PVE, mining, etc may start unsubbing. Let’s see who’s going to be hurt the most. Good luck CCP…
I rarely post, but I will say that without additional changes, local comms blackout favors the PvP cloaky hunter gamestyle and severely hampers all forms of PvE. I enjoy my PvP, but I enjoy EVE Online not only for PvP, but for other dynamics of the game. I ask these few rhetorical questions to get to the purpose and long term goal of Local Comms Blackout:
(1) Should players have some reasonable means to determine who is in a system?
(2) What play styles is blackout intended to change/improve, and is one being emphasized/benefiting over another?
(3) Should there be additional updates or supplements to Local Comms Blackout, such as the following:
System wide dscan jammers
Cloaked ship detection [being able to determine if a cloaked ship is in system, but unable to determine where or what that ship is]
Local player counters (not giving names, but total numbers)
A true delayed local (providing names/players after X amount of time has passed in a system)
I am uncertain and confused as to what the endstate or objective of local comms blackout is, other than to change how local works and observe its affects. This itself may be the reason/objective altogether, to simply change local and determine what affects result from a local comms blackout.
However, I argue that the local comms blackout by itself (in its current state), without additional changes to benefit the different play styles and player experiences that EVE Online offers is NOT the answer.
This is player feedback and I hope it is considered as such and not thrown in with other useless banter.
Local Comms Blackout (by itself in the current state) is NOT enough. There need to be additions/complimenting changes to encourage/benefit other play styles/experiences, not heavily favoring one over another.
Nuh uh, you’re not shutting down my salt mine. We have nine hundred and forty posts worth of salt yet to fill this quota.
Let that Orca fellow cry himself out properly for our entertainment.
Sorry, but you’re misunderstanding many many things again.
No, only claimable once per account. Means you can’t get multiple for one account. You can get 1 for as many accs as you like.
3 months sub is cheaper than that, are you even subbing?
Obvious incentive to log in and hite the PCU drop.
Are you missing the point on purpose?
The incentive for vets is obviously MCT. MCT means generating extra skill injectors on all those alts, meaning extra income, and free skill points will probably go just straight there too. Last time I checked, that would be 1.6bil even without free SP, so 3.2bil extra for 2 char slots, and subscription for 3 months, all at a price below 2 months plex pack. Claim it for every account, bring on the farm, and one month later, you got enough for a titan.
Well this just shows that CCP does not know what the actual fk they doing with the “legacy” code. Lets make the highsec + Jita local go away aswell. Lets balance this game and remove all local from everyone, right, because who needs local at all. Thanks CCP for doing dump sht again.
You cannot be more wrong - After your kindergartner “nanny” local informs you that they are reds in system a directional D-scan would show ships on your warp path.
You are a “Safety Entitled” Carebear
I would suggest a move to highsec to mine but CODE will probably scare you too much … Have you considered sitting in Jita station trading ?