Really? Odd as that was his direct quote. You know the one where he categorically tells the audience that after analyzed 80,000 data points they saw that players that were killed were more likely to sub than those that didn’t…that quote? Would you like me to post it for you along with that vid?
I agree that it’s too early but I was curious what smart people had to say. You’ll do until they get here and post their thoughts.
Strange, last time you quoted him it was about finding correlation in the context, and not causation.
So no “killing newbros increases retention” is not his quote. It’s just you lying on purpose.
Smart people don’t formulate an opinion before they can make one.
Stupid people need an opinion when there can’t be one (eg because it’s too early, or because we don’t have enough data).
and yet an exact quote from CCP is “[from this] we can’t affirm that killing people makes them stick to the game”
So yes you are a liar. You are ignoring the context to make this sentence say something completely different from what it actually says in the context.
And especially to make it say the opposite of what was actually explicitly said.
I believe it was CCP Quant. He noted a similar effect, that players who died in the game do tend to have higher retention rates, but that it did not mean all new players should be funneled into Rancer and killed as a matter of course.
I linked it to you already. Not wasting my time linking the same thing again, that you won’t care about again.
I know, truth burns more than the sun light when you are hiding behind your ignorance.
It’s actually the same study. CCP Rise quickly presented the study (we tried to find correlation, we could not) ; CCP Quant is the one actually explaining the study, the limits, and what they can/can’t do after that.
And there you have it folks…I ask for him to prove his “quote” and he will not even link or post the time stamp. Why? Becasue it doesn’t exist.
Still waiting to hear it from you rather than the make-believe you spout…that’s ok though as yet again, I post exact quotes and link while you…nothing…keep doing that please as it just helps me.
because I linked it to you 5 times already and every time you just ignore it.
5 times was enough for any person with a functional brain to get it.
If you can’t remember it then it means you are a complete idiot, and there is no point making an effort to show you the same thing anymore.
I showed you that proof. 5 times already.
Just because you don’t want to see it, does not mean it is not there.
@Runa_Yamaguchi it is not simply just killing new bros that keeps them playing. It is more complicated than that. Basically it is interactions with other players that seem to get player hooked…or at least some players. So the simple statement, “Killing newbros means they’ll stick around longer” is too simple.
I totally agree. It is way more complicated and I would not debate that point with you for a second. Complicated yes but opposite to what Rise said and AG claims would be false. Interaction including getting ganked increased retention.
Careful though as you are getting shanghai’ed into supporting AG
It’s not that. It’s a correlation that is found, not a causation. So it’s also totally possible that “players hooked into the game lead to them having more interactions with other players”. Or even, “another factor makes people at the same time hooked in the game and having more interaction”
More precisely, in the fact that your “interaction increased retention” comes from the black hole of my dog.
You are saying a quote that talks about correlation is talking about causation. That’s complete BS.