Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

I have no idea what he came here to say.

The only thing I may understand correctly, is that he came here to say 1- he has nothing to say 2- he doesn’t care about saying things here.

That’s both cute, absurd, and annoying. I’m shared between pity, a will to join him in his absurd crusade, a questioning of myself if it could anyhow be worth posting here, seeing as other people like runa and teckos keep spouting nonsense without a shame, or a question about the meaning of life and if maybe, if we just are not able to grasp it only for the reason we have a functioning brain.

Are the shellfishes more happy than we are ? Maybe I will find the answer in that thread. Runa seems very happy anyhow, for one.


Accusation of being each others alt in 3…2…

I think he ignored me.

Anyhow I just don’t even get the tone of his posts. I guess I could guess the smell( of alcohol). But… seriously… how many ?

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Too much Autism (and I am)…

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I guess the number of online players will continue to decrease.
According to recent changes, this change is a disaster for PVE activities in the null sec area.

My unscientific observation is at 7:45pm west coast time there are about 1.5-2k players less online than a normal fall-winter-spring count.

Some of that is just summer.

I think some is missing bots, I always felt like in my time zone a high percentage of the population was/is bots.

The thing is when you alienate some undesirable element they leave right away, the positive effect of people who return or stay because of that can continue for a long time.

In my mind the July and August MERs will be important.

Also the people who left were people farming resources for plex, not the people paying the cash for the plex. Having farmers leave doesn’t change the cash equation, in fact because demand is reduced the price of plex may fall which could increase the number of plex bought from CCP.

They could lose some subs and have a net cash flow increase.


Thats made my morning

Drinks coffee pint

What? No barb, first post of day.

/me pours barbs in the coffee…

I knew something was lacking.

Ahhhh vicious-fresh


The mindless bees still crying today?

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Errare humanum est, sed in errare perseverare diabolicum :slight_smile:

Iniqua raro maximis virtutibus fortuna parcit

  • Seneca the Younger

Learn to attribute your quotes, boy. This is Latin class, not rugbyfootball.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

As a member of Legion we love this change it’s truly awesome

Funny you werent saying that yesterday

But it isn’t harassment at all.


True enough. Dick move though, in my opinion.

Indeed, but it is EvE … so.

It was my first PvP loss…

Now I open yellow cans for funsies

You think a 2000 year dead roman would mind? :slight_smile:

And all that mean today it HAS to be are simply irrelevant… :slight_smile:

EVERY unaccepted(by both sides) PVP is harrasment…there is no discussion about that needed…

Shut up Balos.

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