It is a sign of desperation, and is something that has been requested since forever and always ignored. But hey, it’s worth a try…
And yes, citadel spam = failure of ‘galactic’ proportions (and predicted).
It is a sign of desperation, and is something that has been requested since forever and always ignored. But hey, it’s worth a try…
And yes, citadel spam = failure of ‘galactic’ proportions (and predicted).
Removing it from lowsec is not all a good idea. How do you know if somebody is there you may want to fight? Local is also a match making tool for solo and roaming fleets. This aspect is much more important in lowsec than in nullsec. Without, it would be all cloaky/recon camping (not in the old kind of sense).
But I like your idea to give the cynos and supers the axe in lowsec (which you posted on reddit). Compensation to JF is to be seen.
In general you have to give the prey a sense of safety to get confident for risking expensive stuff. This safety must not be 100% nor 0%, but maybe 95%. Means there is a counter, but none you can apply in every encounter. Best example are stabs, who fool people to think they are safe to travel with them. Stabs are a real good feature in this regard.
Hi can you send.your isk to me
You don’t, not without flying around in space and looking. While you are doing that, you may end up running into someone you DON’T want to fight. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?
I think it would be cool if high sec had autoregistration in local channels, low sec had autoregistration in constellation channels, and null sec had autoregistration in regional channels. But the way the game is played, any little bit of information tips the advantage to one side or the other, usually the larger group, since they are slower to react to information, and usually the hunter(s), since they are seeking a specific change, rather than the prey, who is just going about their business.
Lions want to know where all the gazelles are, so they can decide which one to prey upon. Gazelles just want to know if a lion is nearby so they can run away.
They use information differently.
Different kinds of capsuleers also use information differently.
Apparently setting fire to wet blankets is easy.
Ehhhh… again, the folks that WANT to play in a Wormhole environment with wormhole communications conditions are already there, are they not?
Those that don’t want to go there, don’t go. I figure this was kind of ‘tongue-in-cheek’, but because we have those posters that really are trying to force a total one-sided game to come into being, I’ll remind folks that a lot of players finally do ‘HTFU’ and leave the game, leaving CCP without an income.
That’s right, the ultimate HTFU is to walk away. There is no way to force people to keep playing, and thus no way to guarantee that EVE will stay in operation. So when we’re trying different things, be careful to not just respond to a few loud folks.
I would have introduced new regions and tried this ‘temp blackout’ on them. We already have Wormholes, how many EVE players dwell in wormholes when compared to low-sec, hi-sec and null? Why is this? These questions are important in decision making.
Panem, et Circenses.
Feels like they mostly just want a positive reaction to something atm.
This was not tongue in cheek.
Permanent. Lowsec and nullsec.
Actually, to be more specific, I’d go with delayed local in nullsec and constellation chat in lowsec.
Another nullbear mad he can’t dock up whenever someone comes in-system. Hit that D-Scan or die.
Will this thread be merged with 9000 post official feedback?
Its getting hard to see new posts in there, its more like a debate between the top 10 or so posters. Sometimes I wish there was a limit of say 5 or 10 replies on a thread; if you are doing more than that, perhaps that discussion should spin off on its own.
That’s completely different to “Permanent. Lowsec and nullsec.” , and hmm, interesting
How about delayed constellation chat in nullsec and constellation chat in lowsec.
Make it different to J-space.
Hang on.
If the objection is “I didnt want to live in WH space”
And WH space is defined as having no local
Why is having local not defined as “living in High Sec Space?”
Adapt or GTFO.
I doubt you will read this but here is a suggestion.
Make the blackout permanent YES, absolutely. However include an IHub module that returns local chat for those that install it. This would put the owness on the local owners to have full functionality. I do have a concern about low sec for two reasons.
1- Why would the empires permit local to go down. I mean lore reasons that concord fuels it yeah sure, but wouldn’t the empires say that this is a crucial part of their empire? Wouln’t they then pick up the slack to protect their territory and prevent the other empires from taking advantage of their blind spots… for me it makes no sense as to why the empires wouldn’t get involved at that point.
2- There is no way for capsulers in low sec to put up the above mentioned Ihub module. Also if you are saying to take down local chat from low sec then follow through. Take down High sec as well, i mean if concord can’t protect 2/3 of the game then what’s the other 1/3. I mean if you are going with scorched earth policy then burn everything, it only makes sense for you to follow through. As Alfred once said, “Some people just want to watch the world burn.”
Because they dont control Null?
Welcome to Eve Online!
Why would Null be a “crucial part of their empire” when the very concept of Null Sec implies zero presence of Empire security forces? Sov Space exists because it’s not Empire controlled.
Because people in High Sec can’t PLEX their ten alt accounts while remaining utterly safe from all harm. Meanwhile in NullSec renters and bots rake in billions and just dock up when someone enters the system. No more.
CCPLEASE, DO IT!!!1111111oneoneone
eve is too old, go star citizen