That’s not delayed local, that’s wh in nullsec don’t gives us BS …
all accounts unsubbed have fun explain so many unsubs to Pearl Abyss !
Good Riddance! Thanks for making New Eden a better place.
its a test, a temporary random event and not a change. They didn’t say it was a week long, they didn’t say it was a day. It could be spotty. There isn’t much in stone yet about the event. It could be spotty and only effect certain regions, or constellations, or systems. Good job over-thinking. Claps
if by “crying” you mean playing other games and forgotten all about EVE and its nonsense yeah who need these morons…
apart from CCP
Good riddance! Thanks for cleaning the gene pool of EVE
This change will affect the whole of nullsec space.
Yep, more fun! more tears!
Lol, just unsub and get lost, crabster. Nobody will miss you and your alt accounts anyways
read it again, its a temporary event not a permanent change. Ppl are overreacting. They didn’t say how long this was. Everytime CCP has an update the game’s local gets buggy and unreliable. You should be used to this.
Why do people in null sec get bounties for killing NPC’s in null sec? it is supposed to be lawless so how do you get bounties there?
Nobody said its a temporary event. There is a chance that it will be permanent, for the Greater Good
This is Fozzie bear live on scope network, we have eve breaking news, all the drifters died of a mysterious disease. We have little information at this time however it seems to have broken their bodies down into 4-He, Concord is requesting help to collect this much needed resource to repack CCPs wallet.
how i dont undertand the game? lol
its tears of laughing at this really bad joke , so bad its good
You just seem to be very very new here, lol.
Also, ‘No Character/Corp/Alliance by that name could be found!
Please search again with the search box at the top’
Yeap, very new. And very noname.
Any idea how many rorquals are active in space every day? You can actually work it out from the mining numbers in the MER. April 2019 roughly 37 trillion isk was mined in EVE. If a Rorq mines about 120 mil an hour that’s 308,000 rorq-hours worth of mining. About 690 hours in a month (minus downtime and such), so every hour of every day there are on average 450 rorquals in space mining.
On average like 10 a day are lost, or 0.4 an hour. Statistically 0.09% risk. Obviously excavators add to that and this is all back of the napkin math, but that still ain’t very risky. Not 100% safe, just 99.91% safe.
And the only reason we “need” so many is to fuel an absurd arms race for more and more supers, to the detriment of everything else.
The IS already no small gang. If you can catch a vni it is already extraordinary. So I don’t know what the F you are talking out of your ass there. There ARE already no target opportunities if you want to do small gang. You are talking from a position of a krab without any clue or experience.
dude you went off the deep end for this. Its a temporary test they’re trying in order to see the community’s reaction in game to these kinds of things. A lot of things are still unclear about how they’re going to implement this stuff. Its even getting introduced as an event that likely not going to last more than a few days (think weekend). Change your panties and get back to station spinning.
Ah. Yet another nullsec resident who thinks all wormholers are Hard Knocks. News to ya buddy. Literally 85% of all wormhole residents are making barely more than lowsec residents. Because it’s impossible to live in a high class hole and make null level isk without getting evicted by one of the big three.
He just cant play the game, and still thinks that he is an ‘FC’, lol