Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

Congrats, most full of ■■■■ post I’ve ever seen. You even made up a completely meaningless graph…

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oh yeah it is , all first recon ships are , curse, rook and lachesis


CITADEL based local

If you have a citadel anchored - you may equip it with a deep space scanner module.
Everyone in the alliance owning this citadel receives local info every time this module is activated,
As an UPGRADE for this module - allow a (strontium consuming) boost that temporarily renders cloak ineffective for - say - a minute. After that minute anyone may RE-cloak again.
Great for fighting off those AFK cloaky campers that scare your miners.

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That sounds awfully convenient, free intel that tells people exactly where to find what theyre looking for.

If only there was something like that on the defending side, maybe a list of people in the same system that are coming to counter that completely open free information.

I wonder what would exist to fill that role…?

intel jammers

No. Just no, lol

aww you dont like me jamming intel (local ?)

they sit in several ships cargoholds in null, will undock them when this goes life

Remember when one of the variables that went into design decisions was “fun” ?

getting ganked by 10 people at the same time is not fun ? since when ?

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What i find funy its that all the ppl that are happy with this change will be crying after 3-4 months haha.

When less ppl will be mining and geting all the stuff for make ships the price of your pvp ships will go up by alot, becuse if the minners risk alot many of them will stop playing and the ones that stays will higher the price. So now the pvper will need to pay more and as he dosnt mine/krab he will need to buy more plex, but guess what, as less players will be in the game, the plex will go down but you as pvper (a person that dosnt mine/rat) live from plex, you will need to buy more plex for your ships, so you pvper will be paying alot more for kill stuff… hahaha, and also gl finding more targets becuse at the begining you will get alot of targets for sure, but when those small guys gets tired of been killed, they will left the game and your pvp style will sufer more becuse your only targets will be in the big blocks, and they guys to just like mine and rat will move to HS.

So in this changes i only see lose/lose in this game but GL boys kill all what you can for the first 3 months becuse after that the player base will die =P


I agree with you that something big may very well be coming…but I suspect things might not end up how said mega coalitions expect. I think that in a meta-conflict between what coalition(s) want and what ccpPA wants…coalitions will not win…

CCP is shaking the tree

They want to see what ideas drop (like mine)
and how people react (you unsubbers are meant here)




“adapt or die :sunglasses:” - Excerpt from Sun Tzu’s Art of F1 (2014)

Imagine botting so hard CCP has to remove local before tranquility follows serenity into an early grave
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Imagine filling your diapers over not being spoonfed free intel via local chat. If all you play this game for is AFKing havens or setting up an input-broadcasting stack of covetors in some perpetually respawning anomaly, there are a ton of other “wallet go up” simulators you can play. Large nullsec entities have had the capacity for self-managed regional intel channels since probably 2004, and it took CCP 15 years to see that giving 0.0 residents heaps of free intel through local chat was one of the largest factors in creating the boring and stagnant Eve Online we play today.


you’re unsubbing because they’re testing the community’s reaction to a temp event that probably won’t last more than a few days to a week max.

So I live in null for the pvp and have an alt that does highsec/lowsec pve for isk. My question is sure, nullbears can adapt to no local, but why on earth would they?

Like you can make around carrier ratting isk by blitzing lvl 4s, way more than carrier ratting with glamorex boosted 4s, and more than super ratting with glamorex boosted 5s. So yeah nullbears could adapt with like, twitch cams on gates, constant d-scans, stabs, constant response fleets and buffer tanks, but why?

Here is your adaptation, go to highsec and buy a rattlesnake. Ownzone lvl 4 missions all day with no risk, then go on ops for pvp on your terms. Like for real, people PvE in null for the convenience, not because its better than highsec.

For all the dudes that are sitting in nullsec with VNIs, gunning structures every day, getting randomly deleted by drifters because :content:, why torture yourself? Join channel “Missions” in game, farm 4s and 5s, do incursions, daytrip wormholes, join up with pvp on your own terms when you see a ping, or do NPSI with Spectre or Bombers Bar. Why PvE in null and stress out when the risk doesn’t match the reward?

yeah that’s crazy who does not like being the guinea pig

I suppose if you’re already playing in a WH this could work to your advantage.
If you are already in Nullsec and marauding into other null systems this will also be a benefit.
If however you are a miner in Null you can forget your usual gameplay, docking up when a neut enters the area. Forget selling all the larger mining vessels in null, most will probably opt for the cheaper versions which will inhibit their isk take, and therefore their plex buy.
Looking at it from the responses above I would suggest only Wormholers and opposition neuts will benefit, so I may as well move back to Hs and see out my subscription there and die at the end of the month like so many others are suggesting.

Your call CCP, and to be honest not such a good one. Thanks.

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What I find funny its that all the ppl that are screetching about ‘ppl being crying after 3-4 months haha’ - simply dont unserstand what is the whole game about, and what it will be like without their useless botter presence. Haha.