Sounds like just another reason to stay in High Sec…
Which brings CCP’s overall goal of this increased sales of PLEX
Brand new players will adapt if they never saw chat in null. In fact everyone who has half a brain can adapt. The others never knew how to play in the first place. Adapt or die…Darwinism at its core. Good stuff
No its not
People loving this change should probably be careful what they wish for. Most will never have lived in null and think it doesn’t effect them.
If null doesn’t exist in the numbers that populate it now, who’s supplying you’re moon goo, your t2 BPC’s, your salvage for rigs, the rare minerals needed and buying your ships on mass?
This isn’t tears, I do exploration so local doesn’t effect me, but just be really careful what you wish for.
This is CCP basically not knowing how to solve a botting problem. Just like the time they didn’t know how to keep players so started selling SP for real money.
That would imply that CCP have a grain of common sense.
C.O.D.E. will love that! o7
You’re failing to see my point, actual players will adapt, new players won’t stay because Eve will be too hard for them. Unless of course they just buy/sell plex to fund their pvp, because well good luck farming with no local.
This is the best change I’ve seen since I started playing the game
There goes standard Intel Channels too.
Or you could just go fight the ones who want to pvp and leave the care bears the hell alone? how about hat? no that wont do at all will it? you have to get your revenge on ppl. in rl who treated you the way you treat care bears. It’s ok show us where the bad man touched you. Some ppl don’t want to pvp in eve, but your too much of a wussie to go fight anyone who would actually pose a challenge.
Will not pay for or login a nulsec acct without local. No use buying the carrier I’ve been training for over the last 2 months. I’m sure the pvp only people love the change, but the other 75% of ccp’s paying customers disagree. Plex prices are going to tank with the unsubbing and ccp’s revenue is going to drop, a problem that they will fix by finding another way to punish those of you who are left. Enjoy!
■■■■ standard intel channels. They benefit krabs and only krabs, they have been the bane of my existence and the very reason I stopped doing black ops
Don’t listen to all the ■■■■■■■ whiners CCP this is great for the game MAKE EVE HARDCORE AGAIN
Good move, CCP! Space is dangerous, and each step in that direction is a step in the RIGHT direction.
I think of the user list on local chat as like aircraft having transponders that are picked up by air traffic control.
Now this, THIS, would be fun. Until they all dock up.
If they do this, they should give players the ability to set up some infrastructure to see who is in their space… why not let the players take over where Concord lacks?
This is supposed to be a sandbox game, but all the benefits seem to go to attackers.
Excellent news! This should be permanent and also applied to low and high sec!
You know that Dscan doesn’t show cloaked ships, right ?
Just like you are confident you could be an elite ganker bumper, if only you wanted to?