Null has good pve but it should also have real danger getting the riches. There’s nothing wrong with mining Veldspar in high-sec 1.0 system.
Are you kidding me? Asset safety, ten years if free local intel, three reinforcement timers and the defender gets to set them??? Jump fatigue???
ALL of the changes for the past several years have very heavily been in favor of defenders.
Lol you’re funny. I’m not making this change, I just agree with it. Nullbears that grind out risk free ISK suck for everyone but themselves. They are the most selfish and entitled group in this game. This thread is a good example of that.
I have been waiting for this change since 2003. Thank you CCP!!!
So you don’t want to have “skin in the game”?
EVE was WAY harder to learn when I was new, yet I stayed. Even when the game ditched my style of gameplay and most left. Do we need more players like me? I see all this as an opportunity. I’m sorry that most of you don’t.
I just need to find a group that wants that kinda fight. Everyone else whos left in game either does incursions or is a Goon.
Moar Tears!
Can you point me where CCP said this change was intended to specifically target botters?
Thank u so very much CCP.
Yeah, you’re 100% right. And this is a very reason why combat aircrafts are turning their transponders off when they’re on combat missions, you know…
who care about 15 botts less ora multiboxer whos docking up as soon as the in tel bling?i prefer 5k online than 25 k bots
Congrats , you’re part of the 8% of the new players that actually stayed. What do we want ? An hardcore game with barely anyone playing it ?
Halp!! I’m drawing in nullbear tears here
Well you have really done it CCP thanks for ruining a great game with another rubbish update, 11 accounts will be unsubscribed.
Waste of years - Never install this
total nul sec discrimination
Can I have your stuff?
Well that’s discrimination at its finest…
Clearly they are trying to piss people off… well you succeeded
Hardcore games attract hardcore players, toughen the game up, and the carebears will leave - if you build a better game, the better players will come.
turns out the big blocks only had a few people but all them had 12 accounts and just unsubed them all so rip null fyi no one cares how many accounts you have or if you unsubed them makes you sound petty and childish to say that
Most of the hardcore players left the game already and only post in the forums now because they were driven out to make the game easier for all.
Sorry dude it it goes to alliance and its more a boycot of CCP being idiots again you should unsubscribe too