Is there any way to load a specific Gamelog file into the Log and Message viewer utility?
all game logs are saved locally to your PC afaik.
In windows it’s generally drive/documents/EVE/logs/gamelogs for logs/messages,/chatlogs for chat windows, /fleet windows for broadcast history and loot history and /marketlogs for your wallet if i’m not mistaken.
hope this helps.
I know that.
But the files are full of game time stamps and HTML code. The Utilities->Log and Message Viewer interprets all that in a nice screen BUT only for the most current log. I have a prior log that I want to be able to read.
You could have a spreadsheet (or web app) made where you copy-paste the log into, and then REGEX the data to return what your looking for.
Just seems like the game as a good log viewer but no way to import a specific log file.
What’s the point of the game saving multiple versions of logs if it will only show the most current?
Could be an improvement suggestion for the developers
Not a bad idea.
I also have ticket in to see if there’s something I missed.
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