still recruiting!
still looking for new pilots & Corporations!
Still recruiting!
still recruiting
Also looking for individuals wanting to join our already integrated corps!
Still recruiting!
Looking for chill individuals & Corps that want to mine/rat/Blops/PvP out in nullsec!
Still looking for more recruits! Newbros welcome! Bittervets looking to chill are also welcome!
Lots of action to be had! Still recruiting!
Actively looking for more Miners, BLOPSers, PvPers, and Industrialists!
Open to all who are interested! Head over to our discord if you are!
Still available for newer players and corporations that want to try out Sov-Null with infrastructure already in-place!
still recruiting!
Looking for Ratters, Pvpers, Industrialists, and Blops! (Hunters and Droppers!)
Chill & Relaxed and non-killboard conscious still looking for PvPers, PvEers, Indy, BLOPs!
still recruiting!
Still recruiting!
Lots of activity! Still recruiting!
Still recruiting!
Still recruiting!