Looking for a Chicago based EVE player I met in person once

My wife and I still live in Chicago. Before we got married my wife (then girlfriend) lived in a small studio apartment in Lakeview and her neighbor a door or two down was a pretty big guy who also lived in a studio apartment would come home from work and play EVE all the time. We could hear his voice coms from our apartment sometimes. The dude was involved in some epic stuff. And other then the loud epic gaming which didn’t bother me cause I thought it was cool he was a good neighbor to my future wife.

I am a nerd so I knew what he was playing but didn’t play myself yet. My wife had no idea about EVE …but since I did…I went over to talk to the guy. Anyways now I play eve a little bit.
My wife is Asian and I am white dude. If you remember me and being my wife’s neighbor send me a private message with the name of your main if you still play.

I know you probably are or were a big deal in this game cause you were on every night. Anyways shoot me a message. I want to see if you are still playing this game random dude.

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Hi Rage!

I can tell you something… it wasn’t me.

Was living in Lakeshore few years back(not your random dude) moving every 2year or so the bigger place I want more north pricing is pushing me,Uptown,Edgewater worth it as long as you can open your eyes and see world largest freshwater lake.

My random encounter was few years back I think I was in Lakeshore than it was pizza guy knock on my door gave me food and said something along
“Eve Online cool”
“Yep,good one” me said gave him money and it ended there.
When I sat back w pizza beside me I realised eve was on just one screen with map on(old map full screen)other monitor was random web page and main ultra wide was another game so hi definitely was not stranger to eve.looks like few of us roam northern Chi hope you guys connect.

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