If the lender agrees to the mod as collateral, you don’t really need to price it do you? All you need to do is the guarantee payout? That’s your exact words.
Sure. And what was the rest of the sentence, saying?
You don’t need to determine the price of the item if they freaking lender agrees to it
If the free-king lender does not know the price of the item, and wants the third party to confirm the price, then the third party needs to determine the price.
This was what I also wrote.
If you are gonna cop an attitude, then I’m gonna back out. I don’t mess with abyssal mods, so idk how to make sure I’m not getting shafted.
Sure I was just about to close thier thread before Solonius replied. Didn’t need the loan anymore lol.
Of course. Mysterious, invisible lender to the rescue, at the eleventh hour. Seems to be a common stroke of luck here in the marketplace.
No I didnt get a loan at all from anyone. I still have that mod. I just sold my other mod for 4b so im just gonna use that for now until I run out
Sure. Whatever you say. Wink wink.
Tbh I don’t understand why people get so annoyed over a small loan. Its not like I don’t have collateral. I have a reasonable collateral that is worth minimum at least 1.5b. Even if I default, which is unlikely, the lender isn’t at too much risk lmao. Its literally only 2b. idek man.
So give me 2 billion isk. It’s not much, right?
And you wont, and I know you wont, and this is the proof that even if 2 billion may seem small, it’s still significant enough that no one is willing to just give it away. And if its significant enough not to give away for free, then its significant enough to want to get it back.
I feel like people who say “it’s only 2 bill, it’s only 10 bill” are only trying to divert attention away from their failed scheme.
I understand that 2b is something that no one is willing to just give away, but I have collateral. even if the price may not be stable it should still provide a small sense of comfort. Mutaplasmid.space says estimated value is 1.9 and by looking up on public contracts you can see that there is no dps% higher than the mod with that cpu level.
If you want a loan with a decent abyssal mod collateral sure.
Sure. And if I were trying to sell something at an inflated price but was unable to, I’m sure me using my empty nidhoggur hull that usually only sells for 1 billion isk, and getting a loan for 1.5 and then just reneging on the loan, would be a small comfort to the loan lender. After all, the lender only lost out on half a billion.
Do you see where I’m getting at? The estimated price is only the estimate. If you want to get rid of something, and fast, you always have to sell it for lower than the estimate. This is why most loans require overcollateralization. I dont want to wait 6 months to sell something. I want to get rid of it fast.
And yet you priced it at over 2 billion. Multiplasmid modules are difficult because the base price is so disconnected from the possible price a seller is willing to buy it for. And if you’re trying to liquidate fast, you sell cheaper. Which means, realistically, you would expect 1.8, 1.7 bill. You’re asking for an loan with 90% collateral, with very volatile and problematic collateral to boot.
Yeah you can say it’s only 200 mill, but everyone here is out to make money, not lose it.
But I thought it’s literally only 2 billion? Why would you need me to provide collateral for literally, only 2 billion?
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