Looking for a new home

Hi, If you are looking for something small i got something small. It’s several start up corporations that’s collectively will join a alliance of my making again and that will form a player faction like the major 4 factions in the game. But for now we are at the starting point and got access to a c3 wh where we rent offices and got oursleves access to a chat that is used for all the activety in this wh by the wh " owner" who we work with and can have a chatt with. Other then that atm we got access to high sec, low sec content and fw. Null should come soon as well.

  • We are real life first focused
  • Players can influence a lot in terms of what we do and how we act. Some things are set in stone though and will not be changed.
  • Leadership roles are available
  • We are focused on the group and the induvidual.

You can read more about what i would like it to become down the road ish here–> The Enlightened #PvE #Industrial #Mining #Faction Warfare #Mercenary work #Piracy & Crime #Policeing #Politics #Democracy #Roleplay #High/Low/00/WH Sec #Faction missions # Citizenry #Social structure #Deathrace #corp/alliance absorption
And if your consern is about no connectivety with a large group i have plan/ idea to conter that as well. It’s not proven but should work.

Anyways :slight_smile: … reach out to me through the discord link that is in the link once you have read through the post if you are interested that is and let’s see if we can get you sorted out in any potential questions you might have and maybe even join in on this grand scale project that will start out with small steps.

Hope to hear from you // Tryme