Looking for a place to call home

Yo m8, have a look at the Polcie Force, we operate both Lowsec and Highsec, but dont be fooled, Highsec security is not what most Null, lowsec PVPers think, its an inticate thing with complex PVP mechanics that require faar more strategy and thinking than most other PVP areas.

About the group, super nice people whom i have personally spoken in voice, Each and Everyone of them and filtered in only nice mature fun people who want to play the game for what it is… A GAME… we have given lectures for Large Corporations like EVE University about anti-pirating, been mentioned in known channels like Talking in stations etc… what we do has created a whole new concept of what actually anti-crime means in the game…

But never the less… your timezone is important, as u know u should join a corp that matches somehow your timezone…
what is your timezone btw? we cover both EU and US times but i dont know if u are AUS or ASIA somhow?

here our advert… Welcome back and above all, Enjoy EVE m8 ;o)