Looking for C6 WH Corp

Looking for C6 WH Corp

I am tired of grinding and am looking for a WH corp which is in a C6 or a C5/static C6 to run dread sites.

Obviously for an alt.

Thank you

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Just get a farmhole.

Hello @Alexa_Chase .

We are a super ACTIVE WH Corp/Alliance. Though our main focus comes from our C4 3/5 , we have a specific core group (Badboyz) that resides in a Black Hole C6. They have integrated into the Alliance like bosses, and also actively manage their C6. I think they as well as VI.TA would be everything you are looking for. We believe in our gaming community first, then EVE Content. Come take a closer look at who and what we are in space…

Hope to see ya in space,

WHSOC Executive Council

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