Looking for corp who run small group activities

I think you may enjoy flying with us. We are an international group and have a null sec corp and a high sec one. We operate the 2 corps as a single entity and are also part of a larger alliance.

Our roots are in industry but as our slogan says “More than just mining!” - because for a self-sufficent corp to thrive in null we need members who enjoy PVP, exploration and ratting as well. We have regular PVP roams with our alliance comrades as well as daily mining operations and group PVE content such as sites and abyss. We are always keen on more logi pilots! Although our doctrines are mostly armour based right now

We are a mature group that is Real-life friendly and inclusive. We have members from over 25 countries and therefore good coverage in all timezones

There’s more information on our main thread here:

And our applications information can be found here…
For our high sec corp:imagehttp://bootstrapmining.com/joinus
Our high sec corp is wardec immune and has access rights to our null structures, so if you’re unsure which to apply to, this is the place to start - you can move between corps in future if you change your mind

Our null sec corp lives pretty much exclusively in NPC null and you can apply here: imagehttp://bootstrapmining.com/apply