negative how is it negative it was only 100million i got scammed out of not worth getting salty over not like it was alot of money
It matters so little to you that You are the one still posting about it.
was only trying to say i wasnt negative thing
Then all is left for me to wish you a positive gaming experience.
I have some doubts this is what the future has in stock for him …
- just an advice
your posts are very hard to understand. Take a breath - what is the interest to pay someone for destroying the ship or the pod of a guy who killed you? in a pvp game?..
@Tipa_Riot I was being sarcastic and referencing the fact he doesn’t find losing 100 mil a negative thing (even if just mildly irritating) so in extension basically he finds it a “positive” thing so keeping this in mind I posted my best wishes, with an evil emote at the end. Also as some foreshadowing.
@Wyk_Bathana If possible click the reply button on the post you reply to or at the end of the thread so you reply to the entire thread (or its OP) as it is a bit confusing when you reply to me but only address the OP like in your last post.
Uriel, sorry my bad. I missclicked
Admit it ! You stole all his punctuation !!!
■■■■■■■ comedy gold
Just tell reddit I have a 25b isk draw going on my twitch and they’ll probably do it for free. Again.
This comment becomes even more funny if you know that he claimed in mail ping pong that contracts need to have perfect grammar to be valid, and because my post was not perfect grammar, it does not count as a contract.
Anyway, I checked the killmails of state war academy (the NPC corp the target is in) ingame, and was not able to find a suitable recent kill as per the claim in first post. No response yet to my offer from the target. He was docked in Jita 4-4 and offline in the afternoon. I’ll keep an eye on it.
Ah, I always love to read stupid people’s posts.
I don’t see 350 million in it… And your in lowsec…