Looking for mercs to teach BLACKFLAG a lesson

He was wardeccing other people.

And had the audacity to put his warhq in the same system as ours.


last time I checked when people do this itā€™s because they are calling for a fight

@Carlos_Warren have you considered starting a business for ganking Bowheads?

I mean, you wonā€™t win wars, but you will be remembered quite a lot

Our corporation has just launched a war against two of the main superpower coalitions. I take it you havenā€™t heard about us or our stance on nullsec, basically our vision is that it should be lots of independent small groups battling it out instead of superpowers and titan blobs. Thatā€™s what prompted our recent spate of wardecs. As for the wardec against Chribba, it was nothing personal but we were advertising our services as a new merc unit, and someone said in local heā€™d pay us to dec him and so we did.

I am excited to see your plans unfurl, and although I am still awaiting your payment, my strike team has been positioned in ITAMO and I am ready to advance upon the enemy citadel.

If you can destroy their Fortizar then Iā€™ll be happy to pay. These losers need to be taught a lesson and learn that they donā€™t ā€œownā€ any system. Iā€™ll scan the structure later to see what the fittings and the reinforcement time are

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You must pay in advance.

1 billion isk is a fair price, but I will not fight your war for free.

We donā€™t pay in advance. Thanks for your offer but if this is a sticking point then we canā€™t do business.

If you do not pay in advance, then you will be destroyed.

Thanks for your offer, but I am not working for free.

In fact, I am so offended by your attempt to scam me, that I am now offering my services to BLACKFLAG. If they pay me 500 milllion isk, I will declare common cause with them and declare wars on you.

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I really donā€™t see how you can possibly be offended by what Iā€™ve said. The reason we donā€™t pay in advance is because of the risks of scams. Now no one is accusing you of being a scammer, but the reality is I donā€™t know you, we havenā€™t established any trust, so I am naturally reluctant to pay you when there is little to stop you taking the ISK and running. And likewise weā€™re not trying to scam you, but you obviously have no guarantees of that either. So unless Iā€™ve missed something I think we are at an impasse and no business deal is possible.

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I have received payment and I will now be raising the BLACKFLAG.

Down with the miserly Carlos!

You all saw him try to scam me.


Nobody has tried to scam you. It is simply a matter of neither of us being willing to ā€œgo firstā€ in a transaction because we havenā€™t established any trust between us. In my opinion this concern is completely understandable and justified in a game that not only allows but actively encourages scams. So sorry but your insinuation that weā€™re trying to scam you comes off as rather ridiculous.

Blackflag was willing to go first.

I am now your sworn enemy.

I honor my mercenary contracts.


I very much doubt that they were, and I suspect that you may have an agenda here, but letā€™s agree to disagree.

I know itā€™s been a super low bar lately, but this thread is the best thing to happen in these forums in months.


May a thousand catalysts descend upon him.

They will promptly become a thousand catalyst wrecks.

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He was stupid.

I offered to help him for just one billion isk, and he gave me a bunch of attitude trying to scam me into doing it for free, BLACKFLAG offered me half as much isk but without all the attitude and argument, so now they hired me and he gets NOTHING.


Nobody was trying to scam you Aiko, we just said weā€™re not willing to pay you in advance. This is a game which not only allows scamming but actively encourages it. Do you seriously not understand why people are therefore reluctant to hand over ISK to someone they donā€™t know and havenā€™t established any trust with?

I personally find it hard to believe you donā€™t comprehend that, itā€™s really not at all a difficult concept to grasp and so I am quickly coming around to the conclusion that you are just trying to stir up trouble.