Looking for mercs to teach BLACKFLAG a lesson

Even I agree on that.

Most famous quote that Frostpacker had made on these forums.

"Well think of this just as a reminder that when a Miner sends you an in game mail, you need to treat that mail not only urgent, but drop everything that you are doing and respond to that mail while treating the Miner with upmost respect.


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Weā€™ve just received another wardec from Just Let It Happen, who then proceeded to (somehow) bypass the 24 hour waiting period and attack us in highsec without penalty a mere 8 hours after declaring war. Weā€™re interested in how they managed this, as it is our understanding there is a 24 hour wait period before hostilities can legally begin without CONCORD intervening. We know they can suicide gank us at any time, but that is not what appears to be happening here and I would be quite interested to know how an alliance can seemingly get around that 24 hour waiting period.

The arrogance I have seen on this thread by some who defend the nullsec/N+1 model is exactly the reason groups like TSOTH exist. We shouldnā€™t have to ā€œbring a bigger fleetā€, we should have a chance even if we are a smaller group. The more people settle into massive coalitions, the more fun is sucked out of the game by centralization/standardization. Look to the obsession with doctrines as one example, when I started playing the game long ago you were in charge of your own fittings, though you were given general pointers on the sort of stuff. Now it seems like everything is bland/sterile, fit this exact module, anchor on an FC and just push F1. That isnā€™t how the game is supposed to be played at all, and TSOTH wants to fundamentally revitalize the nullsec landscape to something more energetic and fun like the old days. This is why we continue to fight, we are fighting for everyones benefit and the more people who join our cause and help finance our war, the better chance we have of removing the existing blocs

Exactly. Not saying that logi should be banned, people should still be able to use it but at least keep it to a reasonable amount. Bring enough logi that it takes the attacker LONGER to break through your shield/armour but not so much logi you can tank their DPS indefinitely. That lets both sides have a fun and enjoyable fight where theyā€™ve got a chance of killing stuff.

MMOā€™s have always had ā€œhealersā€ and this is not a rant against the concept of it. But letā€™s be honest, using so much logi that the other side literally canā€™t break through it is a broken game mechanic. It wouldnā€™t take much to fix the problem, just make it so a player can only receive logi reps from 1-2 people at a time. It would give the little guy a much better chance defending against groups like BLACKFLAG and force them to actually take on a bit of risk when attacking structures.

It is because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how wars work when you are the aggressor. Or when not to anchor a structure. Remember you though you get a two week cool-down as well.

For aggressors there is no cooldown. The second you dropped that structure, we could have wardecced you as well to shoot it after it finished anchoring. We did not because as long as you stay of Caldari space we have no reason to come again. Consider this a teachable moment. You can pretend to believe you own that part of space in your silly roleplay website as long as you stay of caldari space.

As a wardeccer yourself you do not get to be on a list like below. EVER.

Happy to educate in game. But when you are the aggressor or have warhq the defenders have all the cards stacked in their favor. Unless you are big enough to defend against people coming after your warhq.

As for calling other arrogantā€¦ Funny coming from somebody that speak like they own highsec on their website.

I think you are the one who has misunderstood. We know that Just Let It Happen can wardec us again without an enforced peace period. We understand that bit. What we donā€™t understand is how they were able to start legally attacking us in highsec a mere 8 hours after declaring that war when itā€™s supposed to be 24 hours before parties can attack each other without CONCORD involvement.

Yes you could have wardecced us the second we dropped that new structure. But you couldnā€™t go out and attack it (at least not without CONCORD getting involved) the second after declaring war could you? Youā€™d have to wait until the war actually started and my understanding is that thereā€™s a 24 hour period between war being declared, and parties being allowed to legally attack each other in highsec without CONCORD intervention. I think the war notification even says something like that.

For example letā€™s say I have another structure in Itamo and you wardecced me at 0800 on the 7th November. What is the earliest time and date that you would be able to legally attack that highsec structure? My understanding is that it would be 0800 on the 8th November, have I got that wrong and if so can you explain how, and what the actual waiting period between a war being declared and parties being able to attack each other is?

That I cannot comment at if I do not see the incoming messages you received. If it looks wonky or you are unsure, report it and a GM have a look.

That is the best advice I can give.

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Now this is some good Highsec Drama, Maybe you not so silly xD

Iā€™m not really surprised with the word of your initial post, which to a large extent are true, Black flag are mercs its not them as I said before, others will band wagon this now. You need to find a way to fight the fight with out having a structure, it leaves small groups to vulnerable to what your experiencing.

Someone in jita holdings offed people the chance to join a shell alliance to fight against Omega and friends or help as allies. I thought this was a good opportunity for small group to take part in wars.

Not sure but the above was with support of fraternity not sure to what extent but showed they never had control of hs poco. That black flag defend

All roads lead to null in the end, :roll_eyes:

Will do. In the context of pvp in highsec, I was under the impression that once youā€™ve declared war, there is a 24 hour notice period between that declaration and you being able to legally attack them without CONCORD intervention. But it seems the Just Let It Happen alliance have been able to somehow bypass that limit and go from declaration>attacking within 8 hours. Iā€™ll put in a ticket and see whatā€™s up.

We have no issue with groups wardeccing us, that is a possibility factored in whenever we anchor a structure. I would just like to know how the alliance in question was able to legally attack us in highsec without CONCORD intervention a mere 8 hours after declaring war. Because my understanding of the wardec mechanics is that once you declare war, thereā€™s a 24 hour period before you can do so. If Iā€™m wrong about that, would appreciate someone correcting me and explaining what the actual waiting period is.

Looking forward to hearing how it happened too.

They didnā€™t join as allies 1st did they then start own war later

Paste the notification mails and screenshot of your war window, maybe youā€™re not reading something correctly.

This is the declaration of war mail

Just let it happen Declares War Against The Sound Of Thunder
Sent: 2022.11.06 18:32

Just let it happen has declared war on The Sound Of Thunder with Eldjaerin - omnium nostrum as the designated war headquarters.

Within 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved. For your convenience we have included the appropriate CONCORD War Rules:

And then 8 hours later at 0225 they destroyed an Astra in highsec that I had anchored but not yet cored. As that was our only structure at the time we became ineligible for wardecs and got that notification

CONCORD invalidates war
Sent: 2022.11.07 02:25

The war between Just let it happen and The Sound Of Thunder has been retracted by CONCORD because at least one of the involved parties has become ineligible for war declarations.

Fighting must cease on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 02:25.

So they went from wardeccing us at 1832 on the 6th of November to being able to legally bash our highsec structure at 0225 on the 7th November, a little under 8 hours later. I donā€™t understand how that is possible under the current mechanics, as my understanding is that the earliest they should have been able to do so was 7th November at 1832 (24 hours after declaring war)

Can we see killmail for last structure

Here you are.

Strange, and as for the mining fleet that joined the bash well, need to look into these guys

just let it happen took part in your other structure losses too I see

The fee is 1 billion isk.

I offered to help you previously, and you refused to pay. Until you render payment, I will continue to help my friends bypass the waiting period and teach YOU a lesson.

Do your friends have mining permits and will a normal permit cover a mining fleet structure assault

Yes, if you purchase a mining permit for 30 million isk, I will order an immediate assault upon any target you so desire.

For 100 million isk, I will even attack a new player.

There should be a war is ending before that message as well with just let it happen.