I am a (currently, soon to change) alpha pilot who co-founded my current corporation; designed to fight off the triangles. I have been playing since 2016 in only high sec, which changed recently. I spent a month in a c5 before we got evicted and have recently been on many solo low sec roams with an average of 6 kills before i drop. During my time as a high sec carebear; .I have commanded many fleets of different sorts and hope that the experience transfers to null. I have been heavily swayed by the tales of capitals and the power they wield. Following that I am well on my way to being able to fly a basic carrier , which I have been told is the king of isk printing in null.
What am I looking for?
I am looking for a corp that grants me access to null sec. When I’m on, I am nearly always happy to join in on pvp fleets ( as long as I have a ship or the isk spare ) . I’m always on corp discord/ teamspeak. My game plan once in there is as follows:
-Enjoy corp atmosphere and see what you all are like
Rat in the best sub cap i can afford (currently cheap as VNI ) until I can afford a cheap fit Nidhoggur
-Print isk with Nidhoggur and use isk to join pvp fleets and plex myself.
Use spare isk to eventually upgrade to Hel and bask in isk; donating excess to corp hangars and pvp fleet funds.
Hey, you might be a good fit in Lunar Legion, we have full access to Null-Sec Providence, with red right on our door step to fight. We’re a small corp but we have nice ratting space and pvp fleets everyday!