Looking for a corp to run sites in either sub cap or cap depending on corp rules
Looking for a Pure PVE Corp done PVP for years and bored of it looking to just fill my wallet and corps wallet with tax.
I play for a few hours a day (have a wife and kids)
Not interested in NPC Null
Reply here No mails dont use this toon
Also I dont talk on coms
Hey, you’d probably fit well into Lunar Legion. You might get the odd unwanted PvP (that’s the nature of null) but there’s no activity reqs and our alliance is pretty social.
Have you ever wondered why, in Eve Online, you’re straight-up encouraged to be the bad guy? Think about it: you see a guy pop up on your overview who’s never done anything to you; what do you do? You shoot him, of course.
Or maybe you don’t? Maybe you think there’s more to New Eden than mindless aggression? Maybe you want to be the hero?
In Providence, we do exactly that. Neutrals are welcomed to our region to go about their business: to kill pirates, to mine minerals, to produce and to refin…
March 27, 2020, 1:36am
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