Perhaps I can somewhat calm this conversation? Much of it seems to revolve around the extant threat of my existence.
Much will be written about races and classes, duty and expectations. I’ve my share of expectations upon me, of course, not necessarily well understood by everyone in this thread but they exist. Melisma has her own, whether a product of her race, her upbringing, her position, or her status. I understand that those expectations may not necessarily align every day with those I must meet.
However, before she is that race, that upbringing, that position, that status, she has to be something more important. She is Melisma Ramijozana, and that name must stand on it’s own. For all the strength of the Communion we shall face our judgment alone before God upon what our names come to mean, and I’d not presuppose her values before she’s had her chance to define them.
I suppose what I’m saying is that the prevailing discussion is perfectly applicable for they who see our peoples as numbers and results, who either meet or fail our own charges. But I believe in the power of mankind to rise above their expectations, to transcend the mundane molds they are cast of that they may flower and grow. Melisma has done what she could to support the Matari cause when it’s been needed, and she has supported the Amarrian cause where she could. They have not been mutually exclusive. And through it all, from the moment she spoke of her love of me, she’s never given me cause to doubt her word to be true.
I understand that I’ll be my big Amarrian chin my whole life in the many places I go. There is little I can do to change that beyond to still stand for my own name, to try to do the things that seem most upstanding. Some will forever see the association with me as a betrayal, much as many have seen my associations as questionable from time to time. I understand and cannot judge those whose circumstances differed so broadly from mine that we will not agree on this point.
But the salient point of all this is that it is the duty of Melisma and I to reject each other, based not on the quality of our names but the inheritance of our politics. And I do not agree. Melisma, for whatever service she has provided her people, has far and away provided great service to the people of our Empire and in no way where I would expect she would betray her own. I doubt highly it is in my nature to ask such a thing of her, knowing how I was raised in service to my family, my Faith, and my Empire. And she’s asked nothing of me that she knows I cannot do. Most importantly, she’s believed in ideas, in peace and in prosperity and in righteousness.
And that is a great part of my love of Melisma Ramijozana. In a universe which told her I was a million different things she’s an obligation to hate, she loved me as a man, because she let me stand as one. And for that, no matter what shall come, I shall be eternally grateful.