[Low Sec] Order of the Shadow [The Revenant Order]

Still recruiting. Alphas welcome

Come fly with us. Alpha friendly.

New pilots welcome.

Come blow some ■■■■ up with us

We are looking for pilots to come blow ■■■■ up with us. Come hang out in our public channel, TRO Pub.

Come fly with us!

Seeking combat pilots and combat corporations

Send me a mail in game if you’re interested in joining a tight-knit crew that likes to pew things.

Do you have a taste for cash, blood and mayhem? Come join our public chat TRO Pub, and meet up with us.

Do you want to blow people’s ships up, break their ■■■■ and make them cry? Do you have a desire to harvest salt, and a taste for cash, blood and mayhem? Have you ever had a conversation with your corpse collection?

Then Order of the Shadow is the right place for you.

Mail: Jack Carrigan
Public Channel: TRO Pub

Sadly, I no longer have the game installed, but during my time in EVE I never regretted joining REV. Leadership were always bringing us content and were encouraging of all playstyles in all types of space. Comms were lively and surprisingly friendly.

Whether you want to mine, pirate, blops, or structure bash, I highly recommend giving this crew your attention.

:black_heart: :skull_and_crossbones:

Thank you Hexelen. Also, you need to come back!

Do you have a taste for cash, blood and mayhem? Come join our public chat TRO Pub, and meet up with us.

We are new pilot and alpha friendly. Come join our in-game channel TRO Pub, or send me a message in game.

Want a place to call home? Message me in game, or join our in-game channel TRO Pub

Currently seeking new pilots. Alpha friendly.

Seeking active pilots.

Seeking pilots who like to kill things.

Seeking new pilots interested in high/low sec operations. Alpha friendly.

Looking for active pilots.

Still seeking pilots for both industry and combat operations. Newbros welcome