A long shot here but is there a resource (or a wat to work out from in game information) all the distrinution missions in game (levels 1 to 4) and the loyalty points they give you including any adjustments for any of the socila skills. I dont think anything like this exists at the moment but would it be possible to pull that infomation within game.
Thanks for this, ill try to work out how to use it but it seems it may help
using it you can make a list of all the offers in the distribution agents (you need to list the agents) and compute the interest, then sort them by bestest offer.
you can list the npc corp here https://esi.evetech.net/latest/#!/Corporation/get_corporations_npccorps
I think I got the agent list from the SDE (gives you access to the location, the corporation, the levle, the type of the agent)
then you can use https://esi.evetech.net/latest/#!/Market/get_markets_region_id_orders to have the prices of an item (SO and BO) which is required/provided by an LP store offer.
Was looking at this tonight when I got home from work. I just have no clue how to operate that website sadly.
you need to make some programing for that.
ok, sadly ive no knowledge of how to do that, oh well.
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