Greetings IGS and wider Capsuleer community! My name is Akels Searbier, CFO of Lucrative Excavations.
As my father and CEO pointed out in another post, Lucrative Excavations has purchased a facility from the UNF on Lirsautton VI. This facility previously was used to house supplies for a privatized medical response to the flu outbreak. As my father also mentioned previously, we’re not here to continue that.
Instead we’re repurposing the facility to house a survey we’re doing and we invite any and all Federal citizens on Lirsautton VI to come over and participate in it.
To avoid simply repeating everything my father has already established, allow me to offer up new information and explain our mission.
The Sang Do
A caste of the most powerful and influential people in the Jin-Mei nation. Upholders of tradition, honor and integrity. These larger than life leaders have become the most respected people in Jin-mei culture worthy of being revered even in death. They’ll pave the roads to the colonies they build and defend them valiantly.
As my father has already spoiled, our survey is having groups of twenty sit down and listen to a speaker say one compliment of a living Sang Do, then be asked to fill out a single question on a slip of paper saying whatever or not they think that’s a fair compliment to give them. Regardless of their answer, survey takers will be treated to complimentary food and drink for their participation.
Now I know what you’re thinking “What kind of random survey is this? What do you hope to learn from this?” What Lucrative Excavations hopes to learn is how Federal Jin-Mei citizens perceive their benevolent ruling elite.
Would the common man agree that saying Zar Sa’s artistic direction with the Five Moon Theater is phenomenal? This, and many other compliments we hope to test will be answered once we open our doors on the 23rd of October.
Of course we’ll allow survey takers to answer that they disagree that the compliment isn’t a fair one to give. However we see two meanings behind this answer. Obviously, maybe the one taking the survey will see they deserve less praise for whatever is being complimented. On the other hand, it could mean that the compliment isn’t good enough and maybe more praise is in order. We fully understand that this duo meaning behind the answer may muddy up the survey results, but we didn’t want anyone to feel scared of answering that they disagree. They could be given the benefit of the doubt that they simply wanted a better compliment with more effort. If this proves to be highly inefficient, we will look into adjusting the survey to allow more distinct and clear answers for more accurate data.
However, based on agreements, we could see compliments that are simply “Good enough" and require no less or no more than what are speaker says. Thus, the current system DOES offer up some clear, unmistakable data to work with.
We also would be honored to have an educational institution in the Federation (Such as the Center for Advanced Studies or University of Caille) request access to our collected data for their own research, free of charge. As my father always told me “Don’t let the name Lucrative Excavations fool you son, our purpose is not for the money, it’s to give back to the Federation and the people that it’s made up of”
Speaking of cooperating with third parties, my father previously mentioned extending an invitation to the Aidonis Foundation to set up shop in some of the ample unused space in the facility. Whatever it be to cover more ground to treat more citizens or store additional supplies. The invitation is still valid and hope to hear from the Aidonis Foundation soon
I will be frequenting this thread to answer any questions any party may have about our survey. Please, don’t be shy! Just ping me directly and i will get to you as soon as i can.