Luminaire Snowball Fight VII (20-DEC-20, 2100, Luminaire)

Hello, New Eden! It’s the end of the year, and we know what that means!

In the spirit of the holidays, for the sake of Live Events, and you, it is time for our seventh annual snowball fight!

The last event and those before have been phenomenal! Once again, we bring to Luminaire a storm of snowballs, lasers, and insanity!

See our topic on our last snowball fight to gauge our efforts over the years!

Bring your Festival Launchers, snowballs, and fireworks for some fun, games, and insanity in Luminaire! If you need a Festival Launcher or fireworks, we have plenty on-hand! Just ask me and I’ll give you some!

Snowball Fight Details:
Luminaire VII (Caldari Prime) - Moon 6 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant
2100 EVE Time
That’s 4pm USA EST!
Note: The Party will be at the Federation Navy Assembly Plant, NOT the Battle of Caldari Prime Citadel!

Note: In the event of a power failure due to a winter storm, the raincheck date will be 27-DEC, the Sunday afterward.

CCP Convict has contributed SKINs, a fleet fight application has been accepted, and he is working on more details. We have an advertisement up!

New Eden Radio and DJ Daggaroth have confirmed their support!

Livestream coverage has been arranged with the following streams:
-General Stargazer through EVE-NT:
-ISD Thalack Dalhar through CCP Twitch:
-Xavier Bragish Koraka:

Lightshows will be held (similar to the manner in which EVE Radio does on occasion)
-prizes will be devised based on discussions about this event: prizes will include PLEX, ships, weapons, and other comical gifts
-to participate, bring devices that produce light and visual effects: lasers, remote-repairs, cap transfers, target spectrum breakers, drones, fireworks, etc.
-only individual pilots can be rewarded! You can partner up with someone if you like, but prize packages can only be awarded to individual pilots!
-Note: all prizes will be contracted to winners AFTER the event has concluded!

"Secret Santa" Gift Exchanges
-bring a gift to get a gift!
-items worth around or under $250 million ISK are encouraged, to be contracted to Commander A9 at Luminaire VII Federal Administration Information Center during the event to make the exchange with other participants: everyone who gives a gift gets a gift. This ISK level is just an encouragement rather than a minimum requirement - gifts of less than 250M will be accepted (provided they’re not Civilian Hobgoblins and bodies!)
-please mark the contract with “Secret Santa” to differentiate it from prizes and any donations, or else your gift might be accidentally given away as a prize!
-in outstanding circumstances, you can relay your gift earlier than the event, as long as it’s as close to Luminaire as possible
-no alts please: If multiple characters tied to one player/user/person behind the keyboard are discovered, all gifts contributed by those alts will be combined into a single contribution and appropriate exchanges made - Please do not “game the system;” that’s not fair to everyone else.
-Note: Secret Santa gifts will be exchanged AFTER the event has concluded, so we’re not wasting time trying to hand out the gifts in mid-event!
Be Advised: There is a pilot who is attempting to impersonate ME and identifying himself as ‘Commander A 9,’ with a space between the “A” and the “9.” THIS IS NOT ME! Do not contract gifts to THIS individual!

Festival Launchers and Snowballs/Fireworks will be donated to any pilot who does not have one or runs out so the fun can continue!

The Battle for Caldari Prime Memorial Astrahus Citadel is online! We have enough fuel blocks to keep the power going for the next 2 years. However, we are always investing in the future, so any spare fuel blocks, components, and Upwell assets can be contributed to help keep the facility powered and supplied.

Any donations go towards obtaining equipment and prizes! Try to get your contribution as close to Luminaire as possible please.

Thank You To Those Who Have Donated!

Auction of CCP Convict’s body (Luminaire Snowball Fight VI): $6,660,000,000 (won by Che Biko)
AuntAgnis8 - 66 snowballs (DEC 2019)
Che Biko - 3 Sunesis fully-fit with SKINs, 4,400 melted snowballs, 7 Festival Launchers
Heimataerde Shu - party Corax and Atron
Daijiro Sakai - 500 Angels Arisen Fireworks, 500 Naughty People, 40 Yoiul Festival Snowballs (FEB 2020)
Breaker of Mains - party Corax and Atron
Heimataerde Shu - party Corax and Atron
Maleena Aivoras - 4 Festival Launchers
Mars1111 - $10,000,000
UKn0wWh0 - 200 fully-fit Sunesis ships, each with a Festival Launcher, 1,000 fireworks, 2,000 snowballs, and 12 Quafe Ultra (we’re STILL going through these from DEC 2019!)
Shan Sint - 160 fully-fit Coraxes, including Festival Launchers, snowballs, and fireworks (still going through these too!)

Jaantrag - 11,500 fuel blocks for citadel
Mason Datar - 8,000 fuel blocks for citadel
Lumukanda Theleraese - 15,000 fuel blocks for citadel
Makoto Priano - $2,000,000,000 for fuel blocks
Ibrahim Tash-Murkon - $3,066,000,000.00 for fuel blocks (a year with both modules on)
Matrae Cor - $200,000,000 for fuel blocks
steve flecher - planetary parts
Naava Edios - $600,000,000 for Quantum Core
DutchGunner - $300,000,000

Johnathan Whister - helping to maintain the goings-on
Fu Enda - event promotion for the price of $7.30 ISK
Kranyoldlady - $250,000,000
Uriel the Flame and the Kherub Angels - 10,000x Barium, Copper, and Sodium Fireworks
Sasha Panther - 47 Festival Launchers, assorted fireworks (2,000 Barium, 300 Blood Dagger Firework, 1,000 Capsule Cascade, 200 Crimson Scythes, 300 Crown Imperial, 798 Flames of the Rebellion, 3,950 Forever 4-4, 787 Four Freedoms, 476 Halloween Horrors, 400 Wheel of Prosperity)
Scottish Cadelanne - 1,800 Forever 4-4 Fireworks, 200 Halloween Horrors Fireworks
Pierian Shawcross - $150,000,000, 56 blueprint copies of ships of various sizes
ninjaholic - 5 Festival Launchers, 1,000 Forever 4-4 Fireworks
cuteness - 22 Festival Launchers, fireworks (400 Forever 4-4, 200 Four Freedoms, 100 Halloween Horrors, 4,500 Wings of Victory, 1,000 Yoiul Blizzard, 500 Yoiul Festival)
Anataine Deva - 1,500 PLEX, $6,000,000,000, 250,000 Yoiul Festival Snowballs, 70,000 Angels Arisen Fireworks, 70,000 Blood Dagger Fireworks, 70,000 Crimson Scythes Fireworks, 70,000 Forever 4-4 Fireworks, 70,000 Naughty People Fireworks, 10,000 Crown Imperial Fireworks, 10,000 Yoiul Blizzard Fireworks, 10,000 Yoiul Festival Fireworks, 10,000 Yoiul Festival Snowballs (divided into 50 containers)
Get-er Alldone - $500,000,000
Ijon Tichij - $200,000,000
Davina Sienar - Kestrel, Council Diplomatic Shuttle, Zor’s Custom Navigation Link, Minmatar Emissary, 30 Festival Launchers, assorted SKINs, fireworks, snowballs, and clothing
Yemontoshi - $200,000,000, Victorieux Luxury Yacht, Viator, Crane with Covert Ops cloaks, staff, rigs, and commodities
Niamh O’Toole - 13 Festival Launchers, various fireworks (300 Crown Imperial, 200 Flames of the Rebellion, 1,000 Forever 4-4, 300 Four Freedoms, 300 Halloween Horrors, 100 Snowball Crystalburst, 300 Wheel of Prosperity, 240 Yoiul Festival Snowballs)
Katherine Audanie - 6 Festival Launchers, various fireworks (500 Forever 4-4, 100 Halloween Horros,200 Yoiul Festival Snowballs)
Drammie Askold - 5 Festival Launchers, various fireworks (1,100 Copper, 1,100 Barium, 600 Sodium, 300 Flames of the Rebellion, 100 Four Freedoms, 500 Wings of Victory, 400 Yoiul Blizzard, 500 Yoiul Festival)
Carron Ernaga - 8 Festival Launchers, various fireworks (100 Flames of the Rebellion, 300 Four Freedoms, 200 Halloween Horrors, 200 Wheels of Prosperity, 200 Yoiul Festival)
Geo Eclipse Oksaras - $1,000,000,000 ($500,000,000 specifically for snowballs), 17 Festival Launchers, 266 Yoiul Festival Snowballs, various fireworks (50 Barium, 50 Copper, 300 Crown Imperial, 1,000 Forever 4-4, 200 Halloween Horrors, 10 Snowball Crystalburst, 100 Wheel of Prosperity, 100 Wings of Victory, 50 Yoiul Festival, 100 Yoiul Festival Starburst)
General Stargazer - relaying fleet fight request to CCP to secure Luminaire for party usage, stream coverage on EVE-NT channel (
CCP Convict - codes for SKINs (Thorax Ruby Sungrazer, Procurer Lodestrike, Astero SOE Gold Cell, Hecate Caille Neon; to claim the SKIN players need to go to and log in with their account then input the code)
ISD Thalack Dalhar - livestream coverage of the event on CCP Twitch channel (
Xavier Bragish Koraka - promotion of event to corporation, transportation of goods, promotion of event to Talking In Stations, livestreaming of event
Charon Bond -scouting and transportation of goods
Mercstar Corporation - scouting and transportation of goods
Every pilot who reported the ‘Commander A 9’ imposter - THANK YOU!
Odyssey 2049 - promotion of event in Spectre Fleet Discord and in-game chat channel
The Ditanian Fleet and Council - promotion of event in “TDF Events” mailing list
Lupulus - promotion of event in Ditanian Fleet channel message of the day, various fireworks (10,000 Barium, 4,000 Capsuleer Dawn, 1,700 Forever 4-4, 300 Halloween Horrors, 10,000 Sodium, 600 Wheel of Prosperity)
Natalie Solis Solima - $50,000,000 specifically for snowballs
hellboy007 Eriker - $50,000,000, 1,000 Yoiul Festival Snowballs
Geoskahn Telvidar - boosters, Abyssal filaments, faction drones, Abyssal Ballistic Control System
Omah Name - X-Rated Holoreel, 16,600 snowballs
Natalie Solis Solima - Antibiotics, Exotic Dancers, Holoreels, Janitor, Marines, Militants, Quafe, Spiced Wine, Spirits, Tobacco, Tourists, Water, X-Instinct, X-Rated Holoreel, and a small standard container to hold them all!
Lenny Lion - 23,000 Yoiul Festival Snowballs
Wah Huren - 10,000 Yoiul Festival Snowballs
Rebecca Puretz - 5,400 Yoiul Festival Snowballs, 1,600 Yoiul Festival Fireworks, 1,500 Yoiul Festival Starburst Fireworks
Gloria Snockers - Avatar Biosecurity Responders SKIN
FaVour Prophecy - 3x Imperial Navy Modified ‘Noble’ Implant
Maleena Aivoras - 12 Festival Launcher, 6 Standup Large Festival Launchers, 17.749 Yoiul Festival Snowball
LifeisagameCH Thellere – 20 Aurora Universalis SKINs
Ijon Tichij - 3 Festival Launchers, 4,426 Yoiul Festival Snowball
Rancor Caesarian - 5 Spiced Wine
Gercog Blanzhi - Skill Extractor
BbICTPEJI – 7 7th Tier Overseer’s Personal Effects, 4 Corpii A-Type EM Coating, 2 Corpii A-Type Explosive Coating , 6 Corpii A-Type Kinetic Coating, Corpii A-Type Multispectrum Coating, 4 Corpii A-Type Thermal Coating, Corpum C-Type Medium Energy Nosferatu, Dark Blood Dual Light Pulse Laser, Dark Blood Thermal Armor Hardener, Dread Guristas Small Graviton Smartbomb, 2 Centii A-Type Thermal Coating, Rogue Drone 46-X Nexus Chip, 2 True Sansha Kinetic Armor Hardener
San Mabata - $23,800,010
Lucinda Olerie - $1,000,000
Hazen Koraka - 1 Yoiul Festival Snowball
Deadonstick - $250,000,000
Lares Hane - $250,000,000
Hiiro Steiner - $10,000,000
Andrew Kouva - $10,000,000
Cass Erquilenne – $100
Y’von Mavrik Av’ri - $2,500,000
Katz Teugun - $10,000,000
i’m not Bob - $250,000,000
Aryan Aryaie – 200 Rimefrost Starburst Firework, 150 Yoiul Festival Firework, 150 Yoiul Festival Snowball
Katz Teugun – 200 PLEX, 31 Yoiul 2v2v2v2 Destroyers Proving Filament
Adrian Vexier - fully fit praxis with kill markings
Erebos Khashour - found CCP Convict’s body, and donated it for auction

Current Secret Santa Participants: 86
Total ISK Donations: $16,177,300,110
Total PLEX Donations: 1,700
Peak Local Population: 392-395
CCP Attendance: 3 developers
ISD Attendance: 2 pilots
**CCP Convict Body Auction Revenue: $3,800,000,000, won by @Anataine_Deva

Event Schedule
2100: Event Starts at Luminaire VII - Federation Navy Station
2200: First Lightshow
2300: Second Lightshow
2350: Third Lightshow
0000: Secret Santa window closes
All Evening: Secret Santa Gift Exchanges and music-playing

Note: I, the Fleet Coordination Commission, and/or Live Events as individuals or group entities will assume no liability for any ship destroyed in the course of traveling to/from or participating in activities during the festivities.


Will be there (on my main) if I can just as the last couple of times. o7

Long live the fireworks! :explodyparrot:


I will again make the pilgrimage this year


Glad to see you are still doing this. Fond memories of past events. Thank you.


Definitely looking forward to this year’s turn-out!

We’re already receiving Secret Santa gifts, and if it so happens that you cannot attend in person, you are more than welcome to contribute a Secret Santa gift and donations anyway!

Come one, come all, and let’s plaster each other with snowballs and fireworks!

Oh, and one more thing…New Eden Radio has once again confirmed their support!


will try to be there this year!


What would people be interested in as prizes / gifts?


I’m looking into what was ‘new’ and ‘cutting-edge’ this year. I’ve got a few ideas.

Meanwhile, thank you to Anataine Deva for her donation of 1,500 PLEX and $6,000,000,000! Thank you very much for continuing to support our parties and events! You are amazing! And so is everyone else who contributes to making this possible!

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I have to thank you for organizing this beautiful and unique event once more again!

I’ll be there with pleasure.


And thank you once again, Anataine, for your MASSIVE contribution of fireworks in the form of the following!

70,000 Angels Arisen Fireworks, 70,000 Blood Dagger Fireworks, 70,000 Crimson Scythes Fireworks, 70,000 Forever 4-4 Fireworks, 70,000 Naughty People Fireworks, 10,000 Crown Imperial Fireworks, 10,000 Yoiul Blizzard Fireworks, 10,000 Yoiul Festival Fireworks, 10,000 Yoiul Festival Snowballs, all divided into 50 containers.

I don’t know how ya’ll do it, but ya’ll make this event amazing every year!


Awh, man. I don’t think I can make it this time, and if I do, no way that I can be as happy drunk as last year. I still smile when I look at CCP Convict’s corpse.

Have wonderful fight!


As drunk as last year?

Dare I ask if you were drunk when you bid on (and won) CCP Convict’s corpse for $6.66B ISK? XD

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[ 2019.12.16 00:15:23 ] Commander A9 > 6,660,000,000 going twice for serious, going twice for serious?
[ 2019.12.16 00:15:25 ] Che Biko > Nobody is as happy drunk as me.


Looking forward to it! Will make sure to bring lots of fireworks and a secret santa gift :slight_smile:


Can’t wait!! Already taking my fully festival launcher fit stork up there :stuck_out_tongue:


If I will create 10 contracts with the proper item price inside, does it means I will get 10 presents in return?


One Secret Santa gift per person sitting behind the keyboard.

That means no alts either.

If someone contributes multiple gifts as part of Secret Santa either through multiple contracts or alts, they’ll all be condensed into one single contribution.

It’s more fair to everyone that way.

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This straight from CCP Convict!

CCP are providing a Thorax Ruby Sungrazer SKIN, Procurer Lodestrike SKIN, Astero SOE Gold Cell SKIN, Hecate Caille Neon SKIN to [the event] as giveaways/prizes during the event.

So, part of our prize list now includes these wonderful SKINs!

To claim the SKIN, players need to go to and log in with their account then input the code.

Instructions will be provided to the lucky winners!

Also, ISD Thalack Dalhar is planning to livestream the event on the CCP Twitch channel and General Stargazer will be providing coverage via EVE-NT!


soon as i can log back in to the game, since i seen some fireworks and stuff was donated, i’ll have pushX deliver some stuff to luminaire since im over 10 jumps out.

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I appreciate that! Thank you very much! This event gets more amazing every year!

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