Main War declaration thread

This makes no sense at all.

So, since wardecs can only be made on corps with structures there should be a penalty to corps with no stuctures?

I dont see how you get from point A to point B in this argument. There is nothing tying these two ideas together other than you want to punish people that have already been subject to punishment by a poor wardec mechanic for years.

Not having the ability to own a structure is not intended to be a punishment to corporations that want to avoid wardecs but rather just a delineation between corporations that will allow CCP to determine which corporations want to participate in wardecs (and have structures) and those that legitimately will only be the subject of wardec abuse.

As is so frequently heard around EVE, “as soon as you undock you consent to pvp”. This is true for everyone, regardless if they are in an NPC or Player corporation and regardless if your corporation can be wardec’d or not. So, everyone has, ‘skin in the game’ and you claiming otherwise is nothing more than war-bear rhetoric nonsense.