Main War declaration thread

Npc corps aren’t deccable. Industry gains nothing from being in an player corp. Whatever corp holds the structures has been and will be deccable. Next argument to get demolished thanks.

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yeh npc corps can have group hangars mhm, can send corp mails… mmhhmmm…

Mailing lists. Trade windows. It’s all manageable. Especially when it’s probably your own 50 alts.

oh yeh im sure and so is corp managed industry jobs…

Tell me, did it take practice to become that stupid or is it that early you really do need more coffee?

WTF which transaction???

At the end of the day only transaction ccp interested in is PAID SUBSCRIPTION all other transaction in Eve, are not even secondary, they are tertiary!!!


its highend small gang and solo pvpers that pay subs and buy plex because they cba to rat; that i imagine is where the money is dont you?

You could be right tho… more subs are likely better than one dude buying a few plex.

And what would they gain? Moving stuff around with the only risk of ganking, as if they were a NPC corp? Not paying the NPC tax in stations when using player owned structures, as if they were in a NPC corp?

The whole thing with being a indy corp is to own structures for bonuses and saving player taxes. And when they do that, those structures can be wardecced and their ships still can be ganked as usual… just, you know, ganking in highsec ends with a 1:1 k/d ratio instead of 105:1 k/d.

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No, they just pay tax on one owned by goons that no ones stupid enough to attack…

a monopoly has been created.

Economics 1 0 1

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In the keynote ccp announced for them PVP arena in form of abyss arena “two ship in one ship out” and later 3 ship vs 3 ship arenas.

However I intimately doubt that will succeed because EVE PVPers are not accustomed to fair battles :unamused:

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i imagine that would become a playground for people with 4 bil isk setups somehow…

But its also a misconception that solo pvpers prefer more evenly matched duels.

They should post the loot on the gate like a blueprint.

Something so delicious it cant be ignored.

I also have to since no one else has

If they did, there wouldn’t be micro transactions. Not to mention that PLEX give CCP more RL money than subscriptions, as I have to pay the equivalent of 20 Euro for a sub with PLEX as compared to 15-11 Euro with a subscription.

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Fair and battle in the same sentence… You don’t seem to understand the difference between sport and war.


Care to explain why?

For every change there’s always someone who figures out how to make ISK on it. :wink:

This makes no sense at all.

So, since wardecs can only be made on corps with structures there should be a penalty to corps with no stuctures?

I dont see how you get from point A to point B in this argument. There is nothing tying these two ideas together other than you want to punish people that have already been subject to punishment by a poor wardec mechanic for years.

Not having the ability to own a structure is not intended to be a punishment to corporations that want to avoid wardecs but rather just a delineation between corporations that will allow CCP to determine which corporations want to participate in wardecs (and have structures) and those that legitimately will only be the subject of wardec abuse.

As is so frequently heard around EVE, “as soon as you undock you consent to pvp”. This is true for everyone, regardless if they are in an NPC or Player corporation and regardless if your corporation can be wardec’d or not. So, everyone has, ‘skin in the game’ and you claiming otherwise is nothing more than war-bear rhetoric nonsense.


Well my idea is this: Every Corporate CEO must declare loyalty to one of the 4 major Empire factions. Inactive CEOS will have their Corporation default to their race faction. Then, every month, the Corporation will have 3 days to decline or accept entry to Faction Warfare. (declining may require an ISK cost). If they make no decision, that Corporation will be auto drafted into Faction warfare. (to help clean up inactive citadels).

So basically, everyone who wants to avoid war will be able to do it, ideally at some cost, which I would recommend. Also, as an incentive to enter faction warfare, anyone who signs up will get a reward every month just for being in a corporation belonging to the war.

It may seem like a radical policy, but I think it solves most of the issues. People who don’t want war will be able to avoid it so long as they are in active corporation. War deccers will hopefully be able to take advantage by basically getting them into faction warfare. And it will help with citadel clean-up.

While I don’t like people who stay in hi-sec as much as the next guy, hi-sec is still an important part of the game. Hi-sec is here to stay, and we should accept that. Wars should be for those who want it, not for everyone. My idea will still have war, but the price you must pay to avoid it is activity, which is what I think we would want. More hi-sec activity is better than less hi-sec activity, all other things being equal.

Whoops, you took a weeks holiday, now you are in FW for a month and your corp just exploded…
I mean really, lets come up with ideas that CCP will actually look at seriously, not crazy far fetched ideas with no thought for the game.

I dont mind so much that people can make isk from it im just concerned who (especially with new jump gates) and how much, citadels and the ease of which you can put them up i think is the issue here though back in the day you needed standings and some sort of ‘reports’ cant recall exactly what theyre called - still available in lp stores… but they were part of the fuel requirement for hs pos’s - and even then there werent many spots left to anchor one; but that would help the litter - maybe even a faction tax for actually being there, dont know but i think citadel spam needs to be addressed too.

I understand the conceptual lore behind eve online, big corporations and alliances vying for power but the blue doughnut stuff of coalitions is just… ugh…
I mean recently test and goons blued each other ffs, now test are spinning it but the fact is they were probably gonna get rekt, they set up some sort of deal WHICH BASICALLY HELPED TO AVOID MASSIVE AND COSTLY CONFLICT… & theres a real issue there i think.

You’ll find nearly every system has fewer structures than moons still, it’s only a few exceptions.
And a straight hard cap is a bad system.
Some kind of inflating cost as more stations build up that encourages all their owners to war or to move, to reflect the strain on local population to crew them all so have to pay more and get people from further which costs more. That could work (And should apply to all areas of space. Including Null/WH’s who probably should have the lowest cap, encouraging them towards bigger structures and spreading them out rather than 50 in one system)

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