Main War declaration thread

This wardec nerf will actually affect me more positively, as i have many corps that get wardecced without any structures. But i must fall on my sword for the greater good.

People cried about the wardec. They got their changes. Maybe crying is the only way to change the game.


Being an idiot all your Eve life somehow sticks!

This first “nerf” is just an interim solution. At least CCP promised a more developed fix to the mechanic and it could very well included tax or other limitations to a war immune corp. I’d wait until we get the detail on that before you declare the changes “unfair”.


Dude do you actually think that will ever come and if so within 3 years?

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I do. And even if takes a little longer, this change is good enough for a band aid. People will still be able to fight wars, and the smallest fry will have some more protection.


Sure it is. Now there will be a clear and present objective. You get


Why? Some people don’t want to constantly be at war. Or get their 10 man corp nuked by an Alliance that is funded by bots.

BUT BUT BUT “every time you undock you are consenting to bleah bleah bleah.” - Ganker motto

Anyone that undocks automatically puts skin in the game.


They wont. I didnt say that player owned corps should all be able to receive wardecs. Infact, i said the opposite. And you even quoted me on that.

They will just have to pay a corp tax, just like NPC corps, though. Thats the point. The whole thing about making a player corp is to escape taxes. The downside WAS that theres also a chance you would be wardecced. If thats gone, then theres all benefit with almost zero repercussion.

A lot less skin now that wardecs will only be available to corps that own structures. Again, its a balance, not simply a nerf. A person in an NPC corp can be ganked just the same as a person in a player owned corp. But since the player owned corp also had the additional threat of wardec, they had more risk.

I don’t want to be taxed because I cant be war decd. I would rather have a choice to be war decd then pay any tax.

In which case I would just drop the corp anyways.

You do know that part of balancing is nerfing things
 Sometimes pure nerf if something is too good

Crying about balance not nerf shows a lack of understanding on balancing.

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I think most people learn that isn’t the best way to get what they want either before or shortly after they get into the first grade, but I do realize that you intentionally switched the word “complain” with “cry.” That transposition happens a lot on these forums when people feel others are complaining a bit too much about trivial things such as the necessity of being able to adapt to a changing environment.

If anything has been consistent in this game its been the fact that it changes all the time and being able to adapt is probably the best attribute to have, past a good sense of humor that is.

As far as your point, I do think there should be some cost to the ability to be immune to the threat of War Decs but as well, CCP should not be in the business of force-feeding targets to the more Pvp oriented players, and all too often it seems the PvPers seem to think that they should be provided targets everywhere otherwise those who may be looking for a bit of distraction after a bad day at work, as example, are having it a bit too easy in this make-believe harsher reality that is Eve Online.

And as a poster said above me, balance is about adjusting aspects of this game and a nerf is just one tool in that balance toolbox they have, so you are really just complaining about the method or manner, not in the actual result.

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If your chosen life in EVE is just wardeccing everyone and their dog and their mother so you can gank them with impunity I feel no sympathy for you. At least suicide gankers get a 15 minute criminal timer and lose their ship. You’ve had your fun, now adapt or die just like you’ve told your victims to.


[quote=“Solonius_Rex, post:9, topic:114526, full:true”]
They will just have to pay a corp tax, just like NPC corps, though. Thats the point. The whole thing about making a player corp is to escape taxes. [/quote]

That is often the point of 1-player corps but there are players who make up a corp to play together with their buddies and who want an identity. This also largely gets forgotten when simplistic solutions gets raised which involve dropping corp to avoid a wardec.


A lot of players also create one-man corps so they are not carrying billions in their single personal wallet.

I just hope no War Dec changes adversely affect players who have alt corps for that, or similar reasons.

It seems like a small fix CCP. When are we going to get multiple personal wallets?

what would that matter?? nobody can take anything out of your personal wallet except ccp if they choose to do so.


Just like they promised that the new chat system would not negatively impact us? Maybe they should have come up with a fully fleshed out plan and not just an interim solution because we have had enough of those and people do not particularly like them. Furthermore, considering that CCP wants to “overhaul” missions next year (something no one asked for), I am not convinced they will find the time to come up with a fully fleshed out overhaul of the war system as well.

it needs more to it than simply having to have a structure, i mean if a wardeck/pirate/greifer corp has no structure for example

I think there’s also scope for monopolizing highsec if they implement this with no further change, it would be like adding more isk to the large corporations which already rent out much of eve.
One could argue this is actually what ccp or the csm wants, maybe they want a clear winner of eve or something
 theres a lot i dislike going on at the moment tbvh.

It was not that people cried. It was that they are voting with their wallets so clear and loud that CCP’s top brass have been forced to make a executive decision and include both a temporary and a permanent fix to the war system in the production schedule.

You can cry all you want, but wardecs in their current state have been proven to be in a wrong place for CCP as a company looking for profit. You bet nobody CCP wanted to divert production resources to this, but numbers have talked and a decision has been made because it must be made.

That’s how much a few little players facked up a mechanic to the point of force CCP to take executive action against it


 tbvh ccp said they werent quite right when they changed it last time and said they would get back to it

what you see is probably what we gon get

Which wouldnt be too bad i guess but as most things in the game seem to completely leave out the middle ground now im not sure where that leaves the majority of eve. Sure nullblobs scream louder and newbros need some time before getting decked into oblivion but what about everyone else?

You know ccp, the CORE group of players that provide most or eves transactions that dont involve mining in rorqs or super ratting

If there was a risk for monopolizing highsec because you can wardec corps that own structures
 It would already have happened.
The fact it hasn’t says there is no risk.
This is an even worse strawman than the “goons and gankers will abuse social corps”.

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yeh cus at the moment theres scope to create huge undeckable indy corps in highsec

think b4 posting plz?