Main War declaration thread

Buying a wardec is already a contract with CONCORD.
The problem is the terms and cost of that are retared in every direction.

Mercs arent going to fix the wardec issue.
Mercs certainly arent going to fix the suicide gank issue, either.

Only CCP can fix them.

Itā€™s seriously going to boost local content creation, and Iā€™m seriously looking forward to it! : D


The shilling is off the charts.

Ima cant predict the outcome of her own idea, which makes it very questionable.
Then Sol shows up and says it will seriously boost local content creation.


Yeah I hope they consider the ideas at least. The current mindset seems so be all about limiting and trying to force an outcome, which is rather odd for a player driven sandbox.



Yeah, theyā€™re designing the game into a dead end that way.

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The current mindset is analyzing data to ascertain what mechanics are causing player attrition.

HS Mass wardecs was now identified, analyzed and being fixed.
Next will be HS suicide ganking.

Im very excited about CCP analysing HS suicide ganking data in terms of player attrition.

Arent you? :slight_smile:

Yeah rather :wink:

I think most of the CSM and also some at CCP want the wardecs gone but donā€™t want to remove them right away. So the plan is to make them as unattractive as possible so no one actually uses them. And then some months later they can say ā€œlook, no one uses that feature, we are going to remove it, because [enter some BS about legazy code]ā€

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I think you are completely, ridiculously, utterly wrong.

CSM and CCP dont want wardecs gone.

The plan isnt to make them unattractive so nobody uses them.

What evidence do you have that CSM and CCP want to remove wardecs completely?
Oh, none :smiley:

Sounds like dƩjƠ vu :thinking:

Wait till they analyze data on player attrition caused by HS suicide ganking :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s a thought I had as well. Time works in their favour, because they can just attract more and more bears into the game ā€¦ but since 2013 weā€™ve seen where that leads to. Bears donā€™t create content, theyā€™re just consumers. Itā€™s not a stable way of running a society, so I seriously doubt CCP will keep doing this.

They needed the money ā€¦ and I get that. They have their cash cows in null, basically farming space. Highsec has always been the center point of content creation for the masses and, if they want the game to grow even more, they better go back to the roots.

Just like in all the other MMOs in the past ā€¦ when the bears get too much of what they want, they destroy it and leave it. Iā€™m actually quite confident that we can turn this whole thing around.

A highsec expansion is waiting to happen. : )


Suicide gankers just create player attrition.

When CCP investigates player attrition in HS due to suicide ganking, as they did with wardecs now, CSM, CCP and community minds will explode, again, as to how they didnt address this earlier.

Yeah. I think we are at the bottom here. The CSM has their own nullsec-centric view on the game, but I think CCP does both want wars in their game and is unhappy with the current situation of things. Some attention on highsec, and it is already happening, and CCP can reignite the culture of highsec and foster a more healthy competitive environment.

I donā€™t think CCP intends to kill wars by neglect or nerfs, even if they kinda have and really wants a system that is both inclusive to all types of players and competitive, consistent with the core idea of the game. Letā€™s hope upper management give them the time to get things right. I fear the biggest danger is CCP is pulled onto another shiney before things are put right.


I just wanna say, as a developer, if my users put in 1/10 the effort on constructive feedback as some of the folk here in this thread, I would be so overjoyed. Bravo.

Sadly we mostly get unconstructive whine fests where people just repeat the same thing over and over.

EvE is a living thing, it needs balance to survive.


Boiling it down.

HS needs less irrational aggression, and NS needs more rational aggression.

NS is the where most PVP should be occurring and most incentivized.
Inverse is HS, where rewards for PvE are also far lower.

Design and development in the past has been completely backwards on this for years.

To boil that down further, its almost like NS doesnt want reasons to PvP but would rather nullbear, and has been pushing that for years.

Its gotten so bad, that many nullbears run accounts PvEing in lucrative systems, SIMULTANEOUSLY to running mass wardec and suicide gank alts in HS to get their so-called ā€œPvPā€ kicks there instead of in NS.

Everyone knows this is happening, except apparently CCP and CSM.


Oh, well, most of this forums are nonconstructive whine fests as well :slight_smile:

But I guess most of the posters who push for an outright removal of PvP are all the same person with a fleet of alts.


No need, none of what i said is wrong, you just assume everyone who plays this is an alt, those methods you describe donā€™t help actual social players, hence why they are terrible

Or they donā€™t even play the game :sweat_smile:

Idk whatā€™s worse between the two

Yeah, EVE is so epic, you can harvest tears of people who donā€™t even play the game :grin:


Iā€™ve registered and joined chat but nobody was there. I have no microphone btw soā€¦ no voice chat. :woman_shrugging: