Main War declaration thread

Well, wardeccer pilots wouldn’t have access to neutrals, neither. Thus they could only interact to their corp mates, making their supply and logi ships into war targets too. Literally like a marching army in neutral territory. This is independent of how wardec functions; it could be interesting to see this coupled with my structure wardec concept…


Bowheads fam

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I thought this was a different take on corporations going to war? Hm.

Talk about a butt hurt suggestion, show us the killmail please :rofl:

-1, no.

This makes negative sense.

Why would you abandon and make useless (to yourself) your territory to defend it? This makes a much sense as coming home from work to find that someone has taken over your home, but instead of dealing with it… you strip down, leave all your stuff inside the house, ask them to lock everything after you leave and then run off to the woods.

Why abandon an established support and logistics network and give it to your enemy?

Any yes, before you state that aggressors never have citadels… we wardec folk, gank, and have citadels.

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Nope, it is just another “Nerf war because I suck” post

I like you. You’ve got spunk, and balls.

What? Make hisec bullying a challenge?? Whaaaaaaat?

Take a deep breath.

Exhale slowly, feeling how the air moves though your mouth

Example 1: Clark Kent / Superman


Example 2: Batman / Bruce Wayne


Conclussion: Your stuff holding corp / Your wardeccing corp



Relax now?

Word salad?

Will not solve the current most pressing issue of people quitting in significant numbers and never coming back to EVE.

The simplest fix for corps is to tie them to the main factions in game. Minmatar, Gallente, Caldari, Amarr. If you are a corp and you want to go to war… well you are now not only at war but NOW involved in the bigger faction war. Welcome to the real fight. Solves two problems, gets more bodies in Faction Warfare, and it expands the war to a bigger front, Nullsec. No more completely random non-lore based corps having fights with fleets that would rival those of most major empires in game, without having ANY ties to any of the main empires.

Current? As of 2005 maybe.

People who don’t PvP never play PvP games long.

This is not a game failure, it is an advertising failure. They are reaching the wrong demographics.

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Wardecs need to be the next item on the agenda. When some corps have 300-500+ active wardecs… the system is broken. If you want to be a bully, go outside and pick on little kids. It really isn’t much different on an intellectual level.

On the butt hurt scale, I give this a… 9. The “go outside and pick on little kids” remark really got you up from 4 or 5 :rofl:


“…and in this videogame, daddy picks on total strangers who can’t defend themselves against Daddy and messes with them, but Daddy runs away when they turn to be capable to put up a fight, that’s no fun”

“You see mom, i just beat that noob! Now he’s raging like crazy and i’m pokign him to infuriate him more! I’m cracking myself laughing!”

“Later hon, I am on my way to wardec some random effin noob who asked a stupid in local… If we catch him in space all 20 of us will beat him and his pod… this is serious spaceship business!”

“Say it high and say it loud: I’m a jerk and I am proud!”


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I was under a weird impression that purpose of wardecs is to farm for KB padding and to make newbs quit the game. Also, in some cases to RMT or launder for RMT and the NS bots.

I may be wrong though, but am an impressionable guy like that and that is the impression I got.

The maximum is 200…


Talk about false advertising

Not to mention, SO WHAT if they have hundreds, those dam Klingons…

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Let’s screech on the forums about it :parrotdad: